Saturday, August 31, 2019

Paradigm Analysis: Animal Lover (And Animal Rights) Essay

The word paradigm originates from the Greek word paradeigma, which simply means an example serving as a pattern or model. Paradigm reflects some concepts, values, or some ways of doing something commonly or habitually. It is also a way of viewing (Webster’s 1998) reality for the community. Human species is endowed with emotions that make it easier for him to express bonding with some non-human kind. This binding seems to be spontaneous or natural. Children display this act more deeply than many intellectually and emotionally mature people do. These people are called animal lovers. In the absence of human affection, animal lovers show more love for their animals or pets. Their love for animals intensifies due to some ethical paradigm they uphold or embrace in connection with their respect for natural creations like nature and environment. Alternatively, one’s love for animal obligates him to become a vegetarian. This attitude is more than rewarding as many pets or animals return a great deal of affection to them. Due to this love for animals, either domestic or wild, some political, social, or scientific movements have sprung up. Animal lovers, breaking new grounds as advocates, want to protect the natural resources of both plants and animals including their habitats. The task seems to be gigantic as it covers a wider expanse of the earth, namely, water, soil, forestry, fisheries, wilderness, to name just a few spots. The aim of nature conservation movement, however, is expressly for continued sustainability for human use. Child-like fetish This love for animal exists because of the existence of a child-like faith among animal lovers. â€Å"Animals never commit sins,† and â€Å"All animals are bound to heaven† are just a few child-like beliefs that exist among adults. Such beliefs and the likes, though seemingly simple move people towards living compassionately. Therefore, just as my 10-year old daughter puts it, â€Å"Animals are never sinners, so they are freed from sins already. † As an animal lover or human being, we only â€Å"see† the attributes of animals through the interpretation of our mind, our understanding. Animal lovers say that their companion animals have intelligence, better skills, and even have better moral than most humans have. This is so because animals express strongly the attributes of love and loyalty. There is an organization (PAL 2008) that really brings people and animals together with the hope of brightening the lives of the sick, the lonely, and some at-risk youths. Other animal attributes like unselfishness, friendship, foresight, emotions, body language are likewise exhibited by animals especially the domesticated ones. Animal lovers even believe that animals have spirit since physical matter is immobile without the benefit of the unseen spirit. Human-animal interaction Undeniably, a special pattern of mutual interaction exists between human and animals, which is treated as special symbiosis. This human-animal interaction happens where animals are there: pet stores, circus, stables, and the likes. The assumption that creation is purely good has a contradiction that sometimes surfaces regarding animal roles in society. As society creates the images of having â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† animals, it polarizes animals accordingly into bad or good ranking. Bad animals have been associated with demons, freaks, worms, and the likes. The good ones, on the other hand, are sided with pets and instruments and sometimes patronized like children. With the role of animals in society as subordinate, one author of human-animal relationship has inferred some conclusions that license society to dehumanize some minor members including children, women, blacks, and the elderly among others. Not all animal lovers are vegetarians, which becomes an issue when it comes to the ethics of meat eating. An invisible, sometimes inviolable â€Å"rules† exist on which animal are ideal to eat and which are forbidden by society. In fact, eating animal flesh is surrounded by confusing inconsistencies affecting people individually or globally. Hypocrisy and flesh eating In reality, people have to eat meat while they keep saying that they are not willing to face the fact that their meats come from four-legged creatures that had to be killed to satisfy their appetite. This shows hypocrisy and expresses disregard to animals. In fact, nobody wants to see the slaughtered animals reduced in sizes before finally wrapped in food-grade plastic bound for grocery chains. As more and more consumer meats are produced, more and more animals suffer unduly, even dying before reaching the slaughterhouses. This is so because meat or egg animals are similarly treated as objects or commercial commodities that do not suffer. When someone is strongly attached to their pets like cats or dogs, it is disgusting to think that other people with different cultural backgrounds eat these sorts of animals they adore. Let alone touring cats-dogs-rats eateries in foreign countries. One’s reaction would be violent repulsion, even considering them as cannibals. Because dogs and cats are considered attractive or cute, people in general do not kill or eat them. Not only cats and dogs, people also want to spare other similarly cute or attractive animals such as rabbits, deer, and horses among others. Although rabbits are considered as pet, others raise them on farms as food. Horses in the stable, on the table And how about eating horses? Americans as well as people from various backgrounds become completely emotional if not confused or nervously excited when it comes to this subject. The fact that thousands of unwanted horses are channeled to slaughterhouses yearly as export meat alerts concerned Americans to stop the practice and make it illicit. Animal lovers have long noticed the inhumane treatment that horses undergo on way to or at the slaughterhouse. Moreover, this bothers Americans so much since horses have molded significantly the history as well as the paradigmatic culture of the United States. Besides, horses in the US are regarded as non-food and sports entity and therefore need some sorts of protection. One sensible reaction of people who love animal to the above-mentioned plight is for them to become vegetarians. On the other hand, they may seek alternative means by their own design without resorting to having vegan diet. The fact is that, just what I mentioned before, the multitude keep silent in every suffering of meat animals reared in compact farms since they are tasty and good for the appetite. The point that I am driving here is that we should not make mentally an artificial boundary regarding our choices on which animals should be spared and which ones should be eaten based only on shallow emotional confidence. Nevertheless, out of respect, we recognize that every one of us has varying food eating beliefs that one is powerless to change. Equal rights for animals? Many Americans think that animals should be protected; even some think that they should be given equal rights as humans. Two animal moral theorists, namely Peter Singer and Tom Regan defend the rights of animal with their formed concepts. Singer sets his defense basing on the concept of utilitarian moral model and on equality. Singer, however, is more concerned with the proper treatment of animals than assigning rights to them. As an advocate of animal rights, Singer forwarded some ethical rights recommendations that mark or fix the limits of legal protection of both man and animal. Basing animal rights on the so-called marginal factors cannot serve as the only basis for having rights. Given that the normal paradigmatic men possess the capabilities of, or have human-like reasoning and emotional features, humans falling out of this paradigm dubbed as marginal men lack these attributes. Such marginality includes babies, young children, and the senile among others. If the normal paradigmatic men are endowed with certain rights due to their being rational, it follows then that the marginal men mentioned above cannot have rights basing on the rationality factor. Since the marginal theory fails to establish rights for all humans including the marginal cases, Singer and Regan have introduced further new moral theories that include rights and protection for some animals. Changing old concepts With such limitation and incompleteness of Singer’s traditional theories as bases for animal rights, Regan, on the other hand, introduced a complementary concept called â€Å"inherent† or natural value as a basis of rights. This natural value is not of rationality or of some other forms of quality since it is not earned and therefore, it cannot be lost or gained. This value is equal to all says Regan, whether one is considered as holy or criminal. Inherent value would give the best position to give reasons for one’s belief like human slavery is despised and eating new born is not right. Consequently, Regan’s moral theory gives both the normal paradigmatic men and the marginal men the same natural or inherent value. This value extends to animals, which gives them rights. Regan’s inherent theory has been confronted when asked on how to determine who has this value. He says that organisms with inherent value are those that posses the condition of being a subject of life. This means one has the ability to act, has a memory, has foresight, has goals, etc. Even those that are not a subject of life could also have inherent value like the comatose. It is surprising, however, on the point that irrational thing as plants could have inherent value though not a subject of life. Regan’s concept is an incomplete one and I feel likely that it is invalid since it cannot blend with reality, which makes the theory inconsistent vis-a-vis the true meaning of value. In a society, rights are vital and necessary for orderly survival. Based on social meaning, an animal having rights and protection is not justified as some people think. In the legal context, however, a legal sanction could be given to individuals who maltreat their own animals. In the proper perspective, moral co-existence with animal and legal relationship must be properly defined and established, since the two concepts could give some confusing variances. In an assessment of public opinion, some 71% of sampled representatives believe that animals need some form of legal protection, About 25 % of them, on the other hand, expressed that animals should be given the same rights enjoyed by humans. The remaining 3% think otherwise (Klein 2004). The theory of rights that concerns animals, however, is with confusion torn between animal welfare and the ideal basis of rights. Paradigm shift and spirituality What needed perhaps is a paradigm shift towards spirituality. We should not only show mercy to our kind but also kindness to al living creature. Both man and animal exhibit physical sensibilities and instinct. Nevertheless, man forgets this and he becomes cruel to animals. Sensibility in animals is the same as sensibility in men. Personally, I have the opinion that cruelty to animals inflicts more pain than cruelty to man. Animals cannot speak, nor show their suffering, not even representing themselves to government authorities. Animals harmed many times cannot seek justice or retaliate. It is my pleasure that the Office of the National Institute of Health (NIH 2008) is against the use of nonhumans for biomedical research regardless of the resulting benefits to man. With this view, I feel that we should demonstrate a high degree of consideration and kindness towards these creatures, perhaps more than that of man. Thousands of them need good home and giving just one pet a chance is a kind act (Animal Lovers Assistance League 2008). Teaching our children from infancy to be exceedingly kind to animals is a good sign of having spiritual value. As man commits more sins, animals remain innocent, which reminds us that one must give more kindness to the innocent. An exception, however, exists. One should not show mercy or kindness to ferocious animals since giving a mad animal an opportunity is tantamount to the destruction of thousand humans and animals. Simply said, sympathy to the beast renders cruelty or injustice to peaceful, blessed animals. Works Cited Animal Lovers Assistance League. 2008.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Benefits of Science

Daylon Coles Everybody in this country knows the benefits of having science apart of our culture. Science is the systematized body of knowledge which helps our minds to learn and discover all about everything. It improves us by developing our minds, creating advancements in technology and makes it a bit easier to live in our world.Science matters in our world and it should matter for the simple fact that without science, we would fail to make advancements in life, from a business and ethical standpoint, and it should matter because ancient civilizations which were far more advanced than us, incorporated science as their primary means of survival and advancements. Measles is a highly contagious viral illness of the respiratory system that spreads through airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.Historically, measles has been a life taking disease, but WHO (World Health Organizations) reported in 2006 that measles death rates dropped from 871,000 to 454,000 between 1 999 and 2004, thanks to a global immunization drive. That’s about a 50 percent decrease in 5 years thanks to the advancement in Science. Living in this country you can’t fail to neglect the business aspect of it. Science has also proved to have some pros to the business aspect of life.If we were to take a look at some numbers, exclude ethics, and examine the business aspect, ’some’ people are actually generating a very good profit: In the year 2008, there were more than two dozen pharmaceutical companies that grossed over a billion dollars. In order to determine if we need science in our world, we would have to determine whether or not the world would be a more effective place without science. That would mean taking away the scientists of the world and imagining the world without it.I’ll attempt to focus on a couple of scientist and what they do and you, the reader, can determine whether or not we need these sciences: Agricultural Scientist- Study commercial plants, animals and cultivation techniques that increases the productivity of farms, Microbiologists- study bacteria, virus and fungi, Neuroscientist- study the function of the nervous system, Medical scientists- Scientists who carry out clinical trials to find revolutionary solutions in the field of medicine. So for instance, you take away the science of agriculture and you fail to have to necessary crops to produce basic means for life.You take away microbiology and you will no longer have the tools to create vaccines for diseases people encounter in everyday life. If you were to sit back for a moment, and just visualize the world without the many different braches of science, you can clearly see the world is in much need and will continue to be in dire need of science. One negative viewpoint people may try to take is that advancement in science and technology brings pollution, destroys animal life and maybe even one day it will destroy earth.People may also believe Sci ence opposes the way humans should live, degrading our morals and encourage humans to be lazy and materialistic. These theories can potentially be true, but before fully agreeing with them ask you to imagine this scenario; If you were sitting in a room tied down to a chair with a loaded gun on the table, would the gun shoot you? It’s just you, four walls, yourself tied down to the chair and the loaded gun. Obviously the gun would not shot you. That is the same exact concept of science. It’s not the science that causes so much pollution and makes people lazy; it’s the people.If you were to take a doctor who specializes in abortions, but decides to never indulge in performing such operations, people wouldn’t see him as abusing his right. So when looking at science from a negative viewpoint remember guns don’t kill people, people kill people. No matter how you look at it, science is a vital concept in life and without it, we would be a lost civilizati on. Science does matter in the world and it should matter for the simple reason of progression. If you aren’t going forwards, then you’re going backwards and fortunately, science is the tool that allows us to continue to advance.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Communication and Professional Relationships Essay

1.1Explain the principles of effective communication? Why are 1.2effective communication skills important when developing 2.1positive relationships with children, young people and adults? 2.3 1.3What social, professional and cultural differences/factors may 2.2affect the way we develop relationships with children, young 2.3people and adults? 2.4 2.5Explain how to manage disagreements with children and young people within your school? 3.2Why is it important to reassure children, young people and adults about confidentiality. Provide an example of how confidentiality would be breached. Effective communication is a two-way process of giving and receiving information. Effective communication skills are important when developing positive relationships with children, young people and adult. Effective communication is important to develop a good rapport. You need to support children and young people in making choices. There are many forms of communication; there is verbal, non-verbal, written format and body language. You need to consider the forms of communication for the appropriate age and language. If you were communicating with little children you need to position your body to their level, you need to come face to face with them instead of looking down at them. With people of different abilities you tend to use hand gestures and rely on body language. While speaking to other staff members in the school you speak to them in a more formal way. It is important to know the cultural beliefs of everyone in the community as some cultures can cause communication barriers. As a Muslim in the school it would be hard to use eye contact as it is against their beliefs. You need to be able to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels involved and confident to communicate. You need to adapt communication for different needs. Other communication barriers that could occur are having misunderstandings, disagreements and lack of time. If a disagreement was to arise in the school I would stay calm. I would be assertive and discuss the issue in private. I would get the people involved in the disagreement together and talk through the problem. If talking calmly didn’t sort the problem out then the next step would be to ask someone else to step in who isn’t bias and see what they could suggest. If these steps didn’t work you would have to work your way up the ranks until you reach the head teacher who would then have to inform the governors. This is a problem for the two parties involved as formal steps would be taken and a tribunal would be carried out. You need to record all progress made within the school, including any difficulties you find children or employees are having as well as achievements that are made. Adults are role models for all young people so it is important to be a caring person, you need to be approachable, genuine and a good time keeper.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Future of Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Future of Terrorism - Essay Example t governmental agencies, including the CIA, FBI, and FEMA to work collectively, and sort out effective tactics to be immediately implemented for combating terrorism (Ward, Kiernan & Mabrey, 2006, p.2). The Future of Terrorism Task Force is also a part of the US government’s strategic foundations on protecting America, and was created for predicting the status of terrorism in the coming years. The main task for this force was to accumulate evidence regarding the scope of terrorist activities in future, and then develop effective policies and recommendations for the Government to prevent upcoming attacks from happening. The January 25, 2007 report contained guidelines for the next five years. This paper is aimed at reviewing this report presented by the Future of Terrorism Task Force. â€Å"In designing homeland security policies, uncertainty about the forthcoming threat creates a number of problems. If we do not know the scale and nature of future threats, deciding how many resources to devote to homeland security efforts and choosing among different security measures is difficult† (Jackson, 2008, P.11). This explains the reason behind the creation of a proper task force to assess the future of terrorism and determine the most effective actions to counter terrorism. In the report, firstly the areas of weaknesses have been acknowledged and presented before the DHS to evaluate and respond, which is commendable (Security & Council, 2007, p.3). That is because first-hand knowledge and an in-depth analysis of the areas to work on will not just ensure the workability of these recommendations but effective policy management too. Another point to be noted is that the task force has covered every aspect of probable terrorist attacks, ranging from reviewing al-Qaed a’s future status to cyber terrorism and state-sponsored terrorism possibilities (Security & Council, 2007, p.3). This provides an overview of the diversity of ways the nation could be attacked along with

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hobbes (15 88-1679) on the right to all Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hobbes (15 88-1679) on the right to all - Essay Example And therefore, as long as this natural right of every man to everything endureth, there can be no security to any man (how strong or wise so ever he be) of living out the time which nature ordinarily allowith men to live." (Leviathan, Chapter XIV). Hobbes supposes that liberty is a matter of political self-government. For Hobbes liberty and equality was connected with non-obstruction, and with some form of sell-mastery. Liberty and equality is described as that a personal reedom is a matter of the range of things a person may do without being stopped or punished by others. Hobbes supposes that "I find yet a greater equality amongst men than that of strength. For prudence is but experience, which equal time equally bestows on all men in those things they equally apply themselves unto (Leviathan, Chapter XIII). Someone who does not engage in elaborate calculations before acting may be said to be excessively irrational. Irrationality of value to the pursuit of self-interest is prudence, which is similarly a virtue that it is possible to have too much of. Each has the right to all because, according to Hobbes, there was nothing natural about the state; in the 'state of nature' men lived without law, without authority, and without any means of curbing one another's aggression. Each man is a self-governed and can do anything. In "Leviathan" Hobbes describes that it is irrational of anyone to lay down the means of his own preservation unless he can be sure others will do so too. The state of nature is also is the state of war which means absence of established agreement for peace. For Hobbes force is the main quality during war and people are foolish to expect anything better from foreign states. The state of nature is a social and developed state. It can be characterized as war of all against: "war...of every man, against every man" (Leviathan, Chapter XIV). Each will be an enemy to all the rest. Human beings as they were not equipped with speech, with reason, with a sense of time, with any morality; they were lonely. In the Chapter XIV Hobbes claims that there was one fundamental right of nature, and one equally fundamental law: the right was 'the Liberty each man hath, to use his own power, as he will himselfe, for the preservation of his own Nature', while the law was 'every man, ought to endeavour Peace, as farre as he has hope of obtaining it; and when he cannot obtain it... he may seek, and use, all helps, and advantages of Warre' (Leviathan, Chapter XIV). The concept of subjectivism is closely connected with individuality. Hobbes emphases qualitative variation among uniqueness, a conception of the cumulative and permanent, but not predetermined, development of larger contexts as a source for development, and an insistence on the irrationally founded subjective designs of historically particularized human actors as the principal plane upon which variation and development take place (subjectivism). Knowledge of the reality must be concrete and descriptive hermeneutic, It will avoid the search for universal natural laws, and it will recognize itself as an historical occurrence. Also subjectivism for Hobbes means obligations in individuality. Hobbes supposes that Irrationality can be predicated in the first instance of human beings and of human beliefs and actions. Absence of rationality is taken to warrant a diminution of legal

To what extent can the post-war boom be attributed to Keynesianism Essay

To what extent can the post-war boom be attributed to Keynesianism - Essay Example Nevertheless, the long post war boom was caused by destruction of capital, which occurred during the war, thereby leading to the rise of America as a hegemonic power. On the other hand, the notion indicating that post war boom was caused by destruction of capital is doubtful, since this was not the case after World War I (Moody, 2013, 1). Instead, the period after First World War was attributed to a long wave of downturn, which dragged for the period between 1920s and 30s. In addition, during this period, there was no economic hegemony in Britain by the end of nineteenth century; in fact, Germany and America was losing followed by Japan. In this case, the notion that destruction of capital contributed to growth that established an interrelationship between post-war boom and Keynesian theory. In fact, the reminiscent of Keynesian ideas indicate that growth is created through destruction of capital in order to offer employment for people to rebuild. USSR had trouble in growing their ec onomy during the 1920s due to physical destruction of their capital in the First World War; thus, they were forced to seek a replacement (Fine & Murphin, 1984, 56). On the other hand, Marxists value theory argues that growth is facilitated by destruction of value rather than capital destruction. ... In this case, Marxists value theory is disapproved, thereby creating the need to explore the Keynesian theory. Therefore, the paper will focus on identifying the extent to which that post war boom can be attributed to the Keynesianism. The post-war boom Initially, post-war boom was based on overview of `Fordist' methods, which regard to mass production of consumer goods and relation to the steel power and machine tool industries. Moreover, America established the new form of Fordist production during the 1920s, though it was introduced in Europe during the post war boom (Clarke, 1988, 174). In fact, this continued to expand through the depression that occurred in 1930s, despite increases in the rate of unemployment and living standards. Furthermore, the growth experienced in the industries was restricted through limitations of market size and the barriers of protectionists were establishing constraints in domestic market. There was a significant expansion of the new industries due to complexity military demands during World War II, whereby there were vehicles, aviation and electronics. On the other hand, during the post-war period there was a reconversion of various military branches dealing with production to peacetime environment in Britain. However, there were stringent restrictions involved in civilian consumption, whereby the world market was subdued by Britain. Moreover, Britain’s growth faced challenges due to the power of supplies, steel and labour. The post war period is also attributed to a Korean War spread, and methods of production to Continental Europe. During the post war boom there was a Dodge Plan established in Japan in order to halt reparations payments, which

Monday, August 26, 2019

How might the ideas of classical realists have been evident in the Essay

How might the ideas of classical realists have been evident in the design in the design of the United Nations,when compared to the predecessor,the League of Nations - Essay Example They view international institutions as powerful states, availing themselves to further state powers and egoistic self-interest. On the other hand, neo-realists scholars adapt similar perspectives on the issues relating to international institutions or regimes. For instance, Stephen Krasner explains the United State’s decision in creating multilateral institutions such as the United Nations and the World Bank to help regulate classical realists’ decisions (Christine, 2009, p. 61). The United Nations prevents classical realists from relying entirely on unilateralism as one of the strategies to confer legitimacy. Additionally, United Nations strengthens the United States post war supremacy. Self-interest of powerful state may be in harmony with interests of other state. The power given to states makes other states to endorse international institutions despite generative joint cooperative benefits. Christine argues that, this leads to Pareto sub-optimal results in the stat es (Christine, 2009, p. 61). On the other hand, the League of Nations is an essential element in the teaching of international law and relations. Greater attention is paid on the teachings of Nations since the beginning and the end of world wars. Growing numbers of universities in Great Britain, America and the continent at large, are in need of studies relating to League of Nations (Charles, 2003, p. 17). More nations promote the study of Leagues in a wide scope to serve as textbooks. Besides, there is growing intelligence on the opinions of Nations Leagues. Majority of states wants elementary descriptions of Nations in a chronological records and achievements about the virtues of Nations. Classical realists and the League of Nations both tend to protect the developments in international law and institutions. The need of having powerful laws within a nation help to protect the nations states of politics and bring major developments in the ways of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research proposal on any topic that would combine the political theory Essay

Research proposal on any topic that would combine the political theory of Rawls and be interdisciplinary - Essay Example This research will take a qualitative approach to measure the freedom of students and teachers in five learning institutions. The research team will administer interviews and questionnaires to the sample schools and to selected members of the institution. The information so obtained will be used to measure the degree of liberty and the strength of social relationships in the institution. This will help to come up with viable recommendations on how institutions can foster their social relations in the learning environment. If granted, this research is budgeted to cost about $2,000 for the entire research process. The school has promised to provide two recording instruments that will help in collecting the interview speech. The School Library has committed to provide the research team with all the stationery required for the process. The research will take a period of 2 months after which the research team will deliver a full report on the findings and conclusions of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The SWOT Analysis of Beyond Product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The SWOT Analysis of Beyond Product - Essay Example The Beyond company has a significant strength from the Peter, who is a vital shareholder and has experience in the business. The participation of Peter in the business plan completion helped him to win the competition that provides knowledge he used to formulate business the strategy that helps in achieving their objectives of introducing the snowboards in the market. His partner who had complementary financial and accounting skills also helped in the product and business plan development. The Italian and Belgian engineering companies and the significant chemical company motivated Peter to develop hybrid binding with positive features that proved that the market was ready for a new product. However, the company faced severe challenges in product development and marketing strategies because it was costly, and the company was limited to financing methods. Meanwhile, lack of assurance to the inventors due to slow product development of the product in the market caused Peter to lose the only partner, who was supporting the company financially. The beyond product has a significant opportunity of achieving its mission to provide a range of high-quality products by allowing business angels to invest their equity of pounds 300,000. Meanwhile, the company will encounter potential threats from generating the interest of importers at the ISPO fair because the sales would be much lower than expected that will jeopardize the future of the company. The snowboarding is the quickest growing sport in the United State with the average growth rate of 11.4 percent that will offer Peter a sizeable market opportunity for its products. Meanwhile, there are seventeen million snowboarders active globally that account for every one-third of the total winter sports population, and since the peter product is designed for this purpose it will benefit from these buyers.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Resume Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Resume - Research Paper Example Employers do not enjoy reading resumes that are more than two pages long. In fact, information over one page is oftentimes ignored (How to write a resume 2011). To keep your interviewer’s interest, a short, sharp and direct-to-the point resume is best recommended. Such is why the Chronological Resume is considered to be the most popular type of resume ( 2011). In a Chronological Resume, the applicant lists down his job experience and educational background in reverse chronological order, with the most recent being on top of the list. Employers are typically interested in what latest venture an applicant was into. In a study, this format was found to be preferred by 80-85% among surveyed Corporate Human Resources professionals ( 2011). The Chronological resume is best used when presenting an organized career history, with no gaps or indication of a major career change. Employers often need exact employment data for reference, and this format is best suited for this purpose. Another type of resume is the Functional Resume, which highlights ones skills more than his list of accomplishments. The aim of a Functional Resume is to group ones skills and experiences by types of functions ( 2011). This type is not commonly used as it works best for individuals with a poor career history, but has a good set of noteworthy skills. This type can effectively obscure ones work history as it highlights what you can do, without really elaborating on how the skills were acquired. As a result, this type is less favored by employers and was in fact cited to be among employer’s top 10 pet peeves according to (Recruiters’ Top 10 resume pet peeves 2011). Employers prefer looking at Chronological Resumes for better evaluation of skills and potentials of its applicants. Interviewers tend to believe that applicants are actually â€Å"hiding† information on

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Capital punishment Essay Example for Free

Capital punishment Essay Capital punishment, also dubbed the death penalty, is the pre-meditated and planned taking of a human life by a government in response to a crime committed by that legally convicted person. Passions in the US are sharply divided, and equally strong among both supporters and protesters of the death penalty. Arguing against capital punishment, Amnesty International believes that The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state in the name of justice. It violates the right to lifeIt is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. There can never be any justification for torture or for cruel treatment. Arguing for capital punishment, the Clark County, Indiana Prosecuting Attorney writes that there are some defendants who have earned the ultimate punishment our society has to offer by committing murder with aggravating circumstances present. I believe life is sacred. It cheapens the life of an innocent murder victim to say that society has no right to keep the murderer from ever killing again. In my view, society has not only the right, but the duty to act in self defense to protect the innocent. And Catholic Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, writes the death penalty diminishes all of us, increases disrespect for human life, and offers the tragic illusion that we can teach that killing is wrong by killing. Death Penalty in the U.S. The death penalty has not always been practiced in the U.S. although states that in the U.S., about 13,000 people have been legally executed since colonial times. The Depression era 1930s, which saw a historic peak in executions, was followed by a dramatic decrease in the 1950s and 1960s. No executions occurred in the US between 1967 to 1976. In 1972, the Supreme Court effectively nullified the death penalty, and converted the death sentences of hundreds of death row inmates to life in prison. In 1976, another Supreme Court ruling found capital punishment to be Constitutional. From 1976 through June 3, 2009, 1,167 people have been executed in the U.S. Latest Developments The vast majority of democratic countries in Europe and Latin America have abolished capital punishment over the last fifty years, but United States, most democracies in Asia, and almost all totalitarian governments retain it. Crimes that carry the death penalty vary greatly worldwide from treason and murder to theft. In militaries around the world, courts-martial have sentenced capital punishments also for cowardice, desertion, insubordination and mutiny. Per Amnesty Internationals 2008 death penalty annual report, at least 2,390 people were known to have been executed in 25 countries and at least 8,864 people were sentenced to death in 52 countries around the world: Executions in 2008, by Country †¢China 1,718 †¢Iran 346 †¢Saudi Arabia 102 †¢United States 37 †¢Pakistan 36 †¢Iraq 34 †¢Vietnam 19 †¢Afghanistan 17 †¢North Korea 15 †¢All others 66 Source Amnesty International As of October 2009, capital punishment in the US is officially sanctioned by 34 states, as well as by the federal government. Each state with legalized capital punishment has different laws regarding its methods, age limits and crimes which qualify. From 1976 through October 2009, 1,177 felons were executed in the U.S., distributed among the states as follows: Executions from 1976 Oct 2009, by State †¢Texas 442 (38%) †¢Virginia 103 †¢Oklahoma 91 †¢Florida 68 †¢Missouri 67 †¢Georgia 46 †¢Alabama 44 †¢North Carolina 43 †¢South Carolina 42 †¢Ohio 32 †¢Louisiana 27 †¢Arkansas 27 †¢All others 149 Source: Wikipedia States and U.S. territories with no current death penalty statute are Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. New Jersey repealed the death penalty in 2007, and New Mexico in 2009. Background The case of Stanley Tookie Williams illustrates the moral complexities of the death penalty. Mr. Williams, an author and Nobel Peace and Literature Prizes nominee who was put to death on December 13, 2005 by lethal injection by the state of California, brought capital punishment back into prominent public debate. Mr. Williams was convicted of four murders committed in 1979, and sentenced to death. Williams professed innocence of these crimes. He was also co-founder of the Crips, a deadly and powerful Los Angeles-based street gang responsible for hundreds of murders. About five years after incarceration, Mr. Williams underwent a religious conversion and, as a result, authored many books and programs to promote peace and to fight gangs and gang violence. He was nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize and four times for the Nobel Literature Prize. Mr. Williams was a self-admitted life of crime and violence, followed by genuine redemption and a life of uniquely and unusually good works. The circumstantial evidence against Williams left little doubt that he committed the four murders, despite last-minute claims by supporters. There also existed no doubt that Mr. Williams posed no further threat to society, and would contribute considerable good. The case of Stanley Tookie Williams forced public reflection on the purpose of the death penalty: †¢Is the purpose of the death penalty to remove from society someone who would cause more harm? †¢Is the purpose to remove from society someone who is incapable of rehabilitation? †¢Is the purpose of the death penalty to deter others from committing murder? †¢Is the purpose of the death penal

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Consulting Project Plan - Executive Summary Essay Example for Free

Consulting Project Plan Executive Summary Essay My name is Lisa. I am a consultant from Hexi Consultation Firm. My expertise lies in interpersonal, training, and sales consultations. I was brought in by Mr. Joseph Wilson, your CEO, to research what he believed to be the company problem, diagnose it, and come up with a solution. First, I want to let each and everyone one know that I am here to help. I am here to help not only find out what has gone wrong but to help those who this is affecting come out of this with a better way of operating his/her department or duties, improve interpersonal relationships, insure everyone knows how to perform their job by providing him/her with the necessary material and training possible. Along the way, I want each person to who I interact with to feel free to question a statement, a recommendation, or a decision. We will be in this project together. I want everyone involved to understand this is your workplace, your home away from home, your livelihood. I am here to help improve the environment and conditions in which it operates. Upon completion of this project, I want everyone to feel that the changes made were fore the best and made this company a better place to work. How we achieve that will be by: * Creating a Communication Plan * Scheduling and conducting meeting for areas where research and change are involved. * Organize and Conduct a Feedback Meetings * Corporate and Regional * Beginning to End of Project * Devise an Implementation Plan I look forward to the opportunity to work alongside of everyone involved.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ethical standards require businesses and individuals to use moral principles

Ethical standards require businesses and individuals to use moral principles One difference between an ordinary decision and an ethical one lies in the point where the accepted rules no longer serve, and the decision maker is faced with the responsibility for weighing values and reaching a judgement in a situation which is not quite the same as any he or she faced before. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, 1994) Ethics is not simply a glorified intellectual game, of no practical relevance. We become moral individuals by practice; good at being truthful by habitually telling the truth; becoming honest by trying always not to be dishonest. There is nothing abstract about business ethics. It is simply another tool to help the practical business man or woman deal with the endlessly recurring moral dilemmas of business life. There is a connection between our perception of the world and the way in which we make decisions in the world. If managers believe that they are and ought to be rational egoists, concerned only with maximising profit, they will take the decisions accordingl y. If, on the other hand, they are aware of moral theories and social policies that affect their own societies and the wider world, then they will be likely to make rather different and more sophisticated judgements, (Vallance, 1995). The idea of ethics in business focuses on the moral or ethical actions of individuals. It is in this sense that many people, in discussing business ethics, immediately raise examples of immoral or unethical activity by individuals. Included with this notion, however, is also the criticism of multinational corporations that use child labour or pay pitifully low wages to employees in less Developed Countries. Many business people are strongly influenced by their religious beliefs and the ethical norms that they have been taught as part of their religion, and apply these norms in their business activities. Aaron Feuerstein is a prime example of someone whose actions after fire destroyed almost all of his Malden Mills factory complex kept his workers on the payroll until he could rebuild. He has stated often and publicly that he just did what his Jewish faith told him was the right thing to do (Richard T De George). The study of Business Ethics has evolved through many years since before the 1960s. Business ethics continues to change rapidly as most organisations recognise the advantages of improved ethical conduct in business and there is an increased understanding between business ethics and financial performance. Up until 1960 ethical issues related to business were often discussed theologically. Through churches, synagogues and mosques, individual moral issues related to business ethics were addressed. Religious leaders raised questions about fair wages, labour practises and the morality of capitalism. Courses began being offered in social ethics in some catholic colleges and universities. During the 1970s business ethics began to develop as a field of study. Theologians and religious thinkers laid down groundwork suggesting that certain religious principles could be applied to business activities. Because of this professors began to teach and write about corporate social responsibility. By the end of 1970s a number of ethical issues had emerged and business ethics became a common expression. In the 1980s business academics and practitioners acknowledged business ethics as a field of study. Business ethics organisations grew and expanded to include thousands of members. Many rules of business began changing at a phenomenal rate because of less regulation. Corporations had more freedom to make decisions, and the government developed new mandatory federal sentencing guidelines to control firms that were involved in misconduct. Business ethics today is still an evolving field of study. Business ethical issues can be approached from the perspective of law, philosophy, theology or social sciences; or they can dealt with in a pragmatic spirit, seeking solution for specific managerial problems. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002.) Some ethical principles include: Fudicary Duty, Property Principle, Reliability Principle, Transparency Principle and Dignity Principle. Fudicary Duty involves each officer having a legal fudicary duty to act in the best interests of the stakeholders and other employee within the firm such as, loyalty. Property Principle is based on the belief that every employee should respect property as well as the rights of the owners of the property for example, theft. Reliability Principle believes that it is the employees responsibility to honour the commitments that they have made to the firm for example, breaching a contract. Transparency Principle is based on the belief that every employee should conduct business in a truthful and open manner and assumes they will not make decisions based on a personal agenda. Dignity Principle believes that each employee needs to respect the dignity of all individuals such as safety and privacy. Fairness Principle based on belief that stakeholders who have vested interest in the firm should be treated fairly for example they should be entitled to fair reciprocal. Citizenship Principle believes that every employee should act as responsible citizen in the community, for example they should abide and respect the laws of the community. Responsiveness Principle based on belief that employees have the responsibility to respond to requests for information about operations from various stakeholders. Being socially responsible will enable you to get greater profits, be more responsive to consumer demands and attract investment. An example of a socially responsible company is The Body Shop (Harvey, 2010). Social Responsibility is the obligation a business assumes to have for society. To be socially responsible is to maximise positive effects and minimise negative effects on society. The economic responsibilities of a business are to produce goods and services that meet the needs and wants of society at a price that can perpetuate the business while also satisfy the needs of the investors. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994) The legal responsibilities of businesses are the laws that they must obey. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994) The civil laws are the rights and duties of individuals and organisations. The criminal laws prohibit specific actions and impose fines and/or imprisonment as punishment for breaking the law. (Harvey, 2010) At a minimum, companies are expected to be responsible for their employees obeying local, state and federal laws. Ethical responsibilities are the behaviours or activities that are expected of the business by society but are not codified in law. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994 ) These are the standards, norms, or expectations that reflect the concern of major stakeholders. (Harvey, 2010) Consider the responsibility issues for many riverboat casinos that serve their patrons as many free drinks as they want. The result is that many of the drunken patrons may decide to drive after leaving their premises and then cause an accident. For example, one patron at the Players Casino in Louisiana, had twelve drinks in two hours, got into his vehicle and then crashed into a van carrying five people, causing three of them to lose their lives. Although the casino operators fulfilled their legal responsibility to provide alcoholic beverages to adults only, they sometimes fail to address the ethical issues presented by the spirit of law. The final obligation a business assumes towards society is philanthropic responsibilities. These are the behaviours and activities that society desire and business values dictate. Philanthropic responsibilities represent the companys des ire to give back to charity. For example, Ben Jerrys donate 7.5% of pretax profits to charity. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002.) The idea of social responsibility became prominent during the 1960s in response to changing social values. Many businesses have tried to determine what relationships, obligations and duties are appropriate between the business organisation and society. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002.) Therefore, Social Responsibility can be viewed as a social contract with society, whereas ethics relates to carefully thought-out rules of moral philosophy that guide individual decision-making. While business ethics relates to the effect of moral rules and principles on individual decisions, social responsibility is concerned with the decisions the organisation makes and their effect on society, (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994). Corporate Social Responsibility refers to any voluntary business activity that goes beyond legal compliance, enhancing economic performance and contributing to sustainable development of the environment and the community in which a business operates. Corporate Social Responsibility is a decision for business and generally a companys CSR activity will fall under one of four priority headings: workplace, environment, community or marketplace. Corporate Social Responsibility is getting more and more attention as the natural complement of social activities and business sustainability is gaining recognition. Contemporary developments, values and stakeholder expectations have shifted and to survive companies must develop new activities and processes that reflect the societal, demographic, economic and legislative changes. Better working relationships with stakeholders can result from the greater management of expectations, (IBEC Policy, 2006). Business ethics attempts to apply general moral principles to business activities in order to resolve, or at least clarify, the moral issues which typically arise in business. (Vallance, 1995) Moral philosophy refers to the principles or rules that people use to decide what is right and wrong. For example, a production manager may be guided by a general philosophy of management that emphasises encouraging workers to know as much as possible about the product they are manufacturing. It comes into play when the manager must make decisions such as whether to notify employees in advance of upcoming layoffs. Although the workers might like advance warning, its side effects may have an affect on production quality and quantity. There are many moral philosophies and each one is complex. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Some types include: Teleology, Deontology, The Relativist Perspective, Virtue Ethics and Justice. Teleology is an act considered morally right or acceptable if it produces some desired result i.e., realisation of self-interest or utility. The two teleological philosophies are Egoism and Utilitarianism. Egoism is the right or acceptable behaviour in terms of the consequences for the individual. (Harvey, 2010) In an ethical decision- making situation, an egoist will probably choose the alternative that contributes most to their own self interest. Many believe that egoists are inherently unethical, that such people and organisations are short term oriented and will take advantage of any opportunity or consumer. For example, some telemarketers demonstrate this negative egoistic tendency when they prey on elderly consumers who may be vulnerable because of loneliness or the fear of losing financial independence. Many senior citizens fall victim to fraudulent telemarketers each year. In many cases they lose all their savings and in some cases their homes. Utilitarianism is concerned with the consequences in terms of seeking the greatest good for the greates t number of people. Utilitarian decision making relies on a systematic comparison of the costs and the benefits to all affected parties. Using a cost benefit analysis, a utilitarian decision maker calculates the utility of the consequences of all possible alternatives and then selects the one that results in the greatest utility. For example, the Supreme Court has said that employers are responsible for the sexual misconduct of supervisors, even if the employers knew nothing about it. Thus, it has established a strict standard for harassment on the job. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Deontology focuses on the rights of the individual and on the intentions associated with behaviour not on the consequences. It believes that there are some things we should not do regardless of the utility. (Harvey, 2010) Unlike utilitarians, deontologists argue that there are some things that we should not do, even to maximise utility. For example, deontologists would consider it wrong to kill or harm an innocent person, no matter how much utility might result from doing so, because such an action would infringe on that persons rights as an individual. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) The Relativist Perspective states that ethical behaviour is defined by experience of the individual and the group. (Harvey, 2010) Relativists use themselves or the people around them as their basis for defining ethical standards. The relativist observes the actions of members of a group and attempts to determine the group consensus on a given behaviour. A positive consensus signifies that the action is considered right or ethical. Such judgements may not remain the same forever i.e., advertising in the accounting profession. Relativism acknowledges that we live in a society in which people have many different views and bases from which to justify decisions as right or wrong. The relativist looks to the interacting group and tries to determine probable solutions based on the group consensus. When formulating business strategies and plans, a relativist would try to anticipate the conflicts that will arise between the different philosophies held by members of the organisation, its suppliers, customers and the community at large. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Virtue Ethics consists of trust, self-control, empathy, fairness and truthfulness. (Harvey, 2010) Attributes in contrast to virtue would include lying, cheating, fraud and corruption. The problem of virtue ethics comes in its implementation within and between cultures. Those who practise virtue ethics go beyond societal norms. For example, if an organisation tacitly approves of corruption, the employee who adheres to the virtues of trust and truthfulness would consider it wrong to sell unneeded repair parts despite the organisations approval to do so. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Justice is fair treatment and due reward in accordance with ethical or legal standards. Justice deals more with the issue of wh at individuals feel they are due based on their rights and performance in the workplace. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) One type of organisational justice is distributive justice. It is based on the evaluation of the outcome or results of the business relationship. If you perceive that you are underpaid, you may cut back on your amount of work output. Another type is procedural justice. It is based on the processes and activities that produce the results or outcomes. A procedural justice climate is expected to positively influence workplace attitudes and behaviours related to work group cohesion. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Interactional justice is another type of justice. It is based on the evaluation of the communication processes used in the business relationship. Supervisor visibility and work-group perceptions of cohesion are associated with procedural justice. Wainwright Bank and Trust Corporation in Boston has made a commitment to promote justice to all its stake holders with a sense of inclusion and diversity that extends from the boardroom to the mail room. This example illustrates that procedural justice seeks to establish relationships by providing understanding and inclusion in the decision-making process. (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2002) Organisational Justice is the study of fairness in organisations. Companies may promote organisational justice by paying their employees what they deserve, offering workers a voice, openly following fair procedures, training all workers to be fair and explaining decisions thoroughly in a manner demonstrating dignity and respect. (Harvey, 2010) An ethical issue is a problem, situation, or opportunity requiring an individual or organisation to choose among several actions that must be evaluated as right and wrong, ethical or unethical. Ethical issues typically arise because of conflicts between individuals personal moral philosophies and values and the values and attitudes of the organisations in which they work and the society in which they live. Ethical issues can be explored in terms of the major participants and functions of the business. A good rule of thumb is that an activity approved by most members of an organisation and customary in the industry is probably ethical. An issue, activity, or situation that can withstand open discussion and survive untarnished probably poses no ethical problem. (Ferrell Fraedrich, 1994). A reason for unethical behaviour is individual differences in cognitive moral development. Situational determinants of unethical behaviour involves the organisation encouraging behaviour that violates ethical standards or workers emulate the unethical behaviour of their superiors. (Harvey, 2010)

Binding Languages: ‘American’ Identities and Bilingual Education :: Free Essays Online

Binding Languages: ‘American’ Identities and Bilingual Education The turning points in one’s lifetime remain imprinted in a person’s mind like stamps on an envelope. They are always vivid and no matter how long time passes, the smells, noises and emotions felt always remain on our minds. The day I arrived at St. Vincent Ferrer ’s elementary school, I was only nine years old. Three days earlier, I had stepped off a plane at the Cincinnati’s international airport from Italy. My English knowledge was constrained to naming colors and counting up to one hundred. And yet, when I first stepped in my new 4th grade class, I felt welcome. Perhaps this was because I was the novelty in the class and all eyes that day remained on me. Many stood in awe wondering how and if an Italian girl looked, dressed, or talked differently from an American girl. That day, I was assigned to spend the day with Amanda, a girl with blue eyes and brown hair who seemed to have a happy expression on her face. It is still amazing to me today that, despit e completely not understanding each other, Amanda and I got along. This became evident during recess when she taught me how to play tag, a game not common in my native land, by using gestures to explain the rules. However, this use of gestures could not remain as the permanent mode of communication between us. Soon, the inability to interact with others because of a language barrier would impede my social development. This not only meant that I could not grow deep friendships with my peers, but also that I was left completely alone. No one talked to me during lunchtime; no one included me in his or her games; no one wanted to be my partner in any activity. Furthermore it would also slow down my intellectual expansion. Being unable to understand the meaning of words spoken by my teacher, I could not understand what the lesson was about. This made me feel as if I had lost my intelligence and my capability of learning. However, if I had been allowed to speak my own language within the school system while learning English, perhaps much pain and frustration might have been spared. The bewilderment, excitement and sense of fitting in on the first day of classes began and ceased that day. It would take months before I would feel again that I could belong with these people.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Skills for SPORT :: essays research papers fc

Part A 1.0  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Skill One’s Classifications Catching a fly ball can be classified as a gross-motor skill, serial skill, locomotor skill and an open skill. 1.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Justified Classifications Catching a fly ball is classified as an open skill because it is performed in an unpredictable environment e.g. the catcher wont know were the ball will go until it has been hit in that direction. Catching a fly ball is a serial skill because you use several discrete skills and form a Continuous performance e.g. you have to move underneath the ball that has been hit and put your glove up to try and catch the ball. Gross-motor skills involve using large body parts, which you do use catching a fly ball. Catching a fly ball can be classed as a locomotor skill as you have to move to where the ball will land so that you catch it. 2.0  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Skill Two’s Classifications Running Between bases can be classified as a discrete skill, gross-motor skill, locomotor skill and both closed and open skill. 2.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Justified Classifications Running between bases is classified as a discrete skill because you have a distinct beginning and end. You use large body parts while running in-between bases and that is why it is classed as a Gross motor-skill. Running between bases is both an open and closed skills because to be an open skill it has to be unpredictable so that’s sneaking bases, but to be a closed skill it is predictable so that is when all bases are loaded and everyone has to run between bases. You travel from one place to another while running between bases and that is why it can be classed as an loco-motor skill. 3.0  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Phases of learning When learning how to perform the skills catching a fly ball and running between You will go through all of these stages. To be good at the two skills displayed above involves the three learning phases Cognitive Stage, Associative Stage and the Autonomous Stage. 3.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cognitive Stage (Understanding) The performer:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Needs to know the skill to be practised  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Needs to know how the equipment is to be used  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Makes frequent errors

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Communication and Conflict Resolution :: Interpersonal Communication Essays

Today many people still lack on the ability to communicate effectively within interpersonal relationships. It is through teamwork and collaboration that effective communication occurs. By analyzing and studying the communication process we can improve our ability to communicate effectively between one another. To have a successful interpersonal relationship one must first interact with others, which is called interpersonal communication (Hybels & Weaver pg.156). Recognizing emotions in other is a very important first step for building a relationship. If you can’t feel what someone else is feeling then you can’t connect with them on a personal level and that can hinder your relationship process. Interpersonal communication is important because of the purpose to achieve. Whenever we want to keep in communication with another person, we try share ideas and feelings. Also we can give information through a wide variety of verbal and non-verbal cues. Verbal communication has huge effects on many aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships. Communication with others verbally or non-verbally is a necessity for daily life. Verbal communication is organized by language; non-verbal communication is not. Most of us spend working hours communicating our knowledge, thoughts, and ideas with others. On the other hand, most of us don’t to realize that a great deal of our communication is of a non-verbal form as opposite to the oral and written reports. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, body posture and motions, and positioning within groups. It may also include the way we wear dress or how quiet we are. Person-to-person communications our thoughts are set on different levels simultaneously. If the nonverbal cues and the spoken message are strange, the flow of communication is stuck. Right or wrong, the receiver of the communication tends to base the intentions of the sender on the non- verbal cues one receives. Before a person makes an effort to form an interpersonal relationship they must decide what attracted them about this person and why they want to have the relationship. There are many factors that make up attraction to others. Physical attraction, perceived gain, similarities, differences, and proximity are some of them (Hybels and Weaver, 2007). Most people are attracted to others because of the way they look, same personality and same education. Some people might have different characteristics that one might be attracted too. If a person is not attracted to your appearance they are mostly not come up and have a conversation with you.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Balanced Scorecard Essay

The balance scorecard is used as a strategic planning and a management technique. It is widely used in many organizations, regardless of their scale, to align the organization’s performance to its vision and objectives. The scorecard is also used as a tool which improves the communication and feedback process between the employees and management, and to monitor performance of the organizational objectives. There are four different perspectives of balance scorecard which are financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning and growth. Each perspective represents a different aspect of the business organization in order to operate at optimal capacity. Financial perspective is about how does the firm look to shareholders. This is concerned with the shareholders view of performance. Shareholders are concerned with many aspects of financial performance. Amongst the measures of success are market share, revenue growth, profit ratio, return on investment, economic value added, return on capital employed and profitability. Customer perspective is about how do customers see the firm. This perspective focuses on the analysis of different types of customers, their degree of satisfaction and the processes used to deliver products and services to customers. Particular areas of focus would include customer service, customer retention and customer satisfaction. Internal perspective is about how well it manages its operational processes. This seeks to identify how well the business is performing, whether the products and services offered meet customer expectations, and the critical processes for satisfying both customers and shareholders. Learning and growth perspective is about can the firm continue to improve and create value? This perspective also examines how an organisation learns and grows. This perspective is concerned with issues such as can we continue to improve and create value? In which areas must the organisation improve? How can the company continue to improve and create value in the future? What should it be doing to make this happen? The concerns of balanced scorecard are long term with short term concerns, financial with non-financial concerns, and internal with external concerns.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Reinforcement Theory Essay

Q# 1: Identify the practices of organization that are indicating the application of reinforcement theory? Answer 1. Focus on proper training before giving task to the employees 2. Monitoring the performance of employees. 3. Formulation of procedures, rules and regulations in detail. 4. Strictness in compliance of rules. Q# 2: You are required to suggest some measures of positive reinforcement that can be implemented by the management of Crisp & Soft restaurant. Answer 1. The manager can start a practice to greet the employees and having pleasant conversation with those who came on time at start of day and conduct a small meeting with staff at closing of day and praised and say thanks those who performed good during the day. These practices will decrease late arrivals and early leaver. 2. The management can start â€Å"Employee of the month† award scheme in which at end of every month letter of appreciation along with small cash price will be give to the employee how performed well during the month. 3. A roll of honor board should be maintained at prominent place in the restaurant where everyone can see it. The pictures of â€Å"Employee of the month† pasted on that board. Q# 3: Assess which level of Maslow’s hierarchy of need the organization is satisfying for lower level staff and managerial level staff? Explain Answer As per Maslow’s hierarchy of need, there are following five levels of human needs: i. Biological Need: The basic requirement for survival of human body e.g. food, water, air and shelter etc. ii. Safety Need: Protection from Cold, Heat, Sand, Storm, Earthquake, Animals, Enemies iii. Social Need: love, acceptance, belonging etc. iv. Self Esteem: Respect, reorganization v. Self Actualization: challenging tasks, In case of lower level workers the Crisp and Soft restaurant management is satisfying level 1 by providing free meal and uniform, paying salaries at reasonable rate and level 2 by making HVAC arrangement for workers. In case of management staff, the restaurant management is trying to satisfying level 3 along with level 1 and 2 also, by providing good salaries (level 1), good working environment (level 2) and membership of social club of restaurant to their staff(level 3) where they can attend get to gathers, family dinners etc.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

My Grub Box

When Vivian Johnson decided to pursue a college education, it was not because her parents didn’t attend college, it was because she wanted to be in a position of control. She knew that college was her ticket to getting the qualifications needed for the career she envisioned. In â€Å"My Grub Box,† Vivian Johnson recalls her college experience moving from Emmonak, Alaska to the East Coast Ivy League School Dartmouth. Taken completely out of her native environment of the Yup’ik Eskimos, she details a certain adaptation to gain understanding of her perspective.Vivian Johnson’s â€Å"grub box† created a signpost for her way of life through the realization that culture is inseparable from being native. The main aspect that set Vivian Johnson apart from other students at Dartmouth is her experiences as a member of a native Eskimo family. Johnson begins her memoir with a description of the function of a grub box and what it has meant for members of her fam ily. On hunting and camping trips she would use her grub box to pack food and supplies to survive, but her grub box that helped her through college contained much more than physical items.She used intangible things that were passed on from her parents, like a sense of identity and how to survive in different surroundings. (Johnson, 201) Another reason that Johnson didn’t fit into the â€Å"normal† student population at Dartmouth, was the fact that she didn’t come from a socially advantaged family compared to many of the other students. She could not relate to many of the other students experiences simply because her family didn’t take exotic trips or have fancy clothing, jewels, and cars.Not only was Johnson different from other students because of her possessions and experiences, but she also had a different perspective and was used to a different way of thinking. She found it difficult to understand her government professor because she had not been expo sed to that way of thinking before. Also, she at first had trouble discussing certain topics with her classmates such as the â€Å"concepts of land, substinence hunting, and fishing. † Eventually, she had began to anticipate questions about why she didn’t fit in so she formulated answers to better describe her way of life. Johnson, 207) Upon her arrival at Dartmouth, Vivian Johnson realized that she was completely out of her environment. Her grub box helped her transition allowing her to adapt to college life and enabled her to slowly orient herself on her new landscape. She was outside her environment both physically and intellectually. Everything was foreign to her, from the smell and type of trees, wildlife on campus, and formation of the stars, to riding in a taxi for the first time, Vivian needed to adapt to her surroundings in order to survive.The food she received from her grandpa helped her physically because she wasn’t used to the type of food served at Dartmouth, but the intangible qualities served a greater purpose. Those qualities formed a type of support system for Vivian that connected her to her roots as a way to remind her of her culture and heritage in order to combat the overwhelming pressures she faced in this cultural submersion. While Johnson described many of the hardships she had during her time at Dartmouth, she did manage to find a place where she was accepted for who she was and where she came from.When she joined Native American at Dartmouth, Vivian was helped not only academically, but also with small tasks that made her life easier, such as mail, food, and housing. She became part of a social network that appreciated her and considered her to be one in their group, even though she wasn’t Native American. By finding similarities between herself and the other members of Native Americans at Dartmouth, Johnson was able to connect with them because they had similar life experiences. She valued this support gr oup of friends so much, that she credits them for her graduation from Dartmouth. (Johnson, 209)Upon graduation from Dartmouth, Johnson describes her exit â€Å"just as perplexing as her entrance. † (Johnson, 209) Adaptation plays a huge role in Johnson’s survival attending college with different cultures. In the end, Vivian Johnson’s experiences she gained at Dartmouth from adapting further adds to her â€Å"grub box† enabling her to branch out to individuals in her adult life. The adaptation in Vivian Johnson’s memoir made it easy for me to relate to her story of going away to college. When I arrived at the University of Wisconsin-Madison there was a sudden sense of culture shock. Also, being on our own when your parents were the ones to feed you, take you places, and lend you money when needed, definitely leaves you to fend for yourself. Adapting to my new environment was no fun but is definitely an experience of having to adapt in order to accom plish new goals and â€Å"fit in. † I realized that everyone has a different set of tools in their â€Å"grub box† from adapting to new experiences and when exchanged, form a more global perspective of race in the Unites States. Therefore, Vivian Johnson’s adaptation to reality serves as a launching pad for individuals to engage in difficult conversations about race.

American Welfare System

American welfare system is a supervision agenda that offers funds, health care, food, shelter, and other things that citizens want so as to stay alive. People who can receive help from these welfare programs are kids, elders, the disabled, and others who are not capable to sustain their family unit on their contemporary earnings. The welfare system of America has set off from a well-meaning program intended to sustain inhabitants who are incapable to work and afford for their children, to a program that has grow to be prolific to abolishing the continuous dependence of the beneficiaries.The American wellbeing structure will: ? help more welfare heirs accomplish self-rule through labor ? look after children and fortify families ? allow states to inquire about new and original solutions to help welfare recipients get independence Collapse of the System It must be understand that the American welfare system, as we discern it, ought to be unchanging over an extended period of time; but r egrettably this system was ineffective to do so. American welfare system was failed to achieve its objectives and in providing relieve to ordinary people.Yet those who are â€Å"pro-welfare† are disgruntled with the mechanism in isolation. Several problems that contribute their part in the collapse of the U. S. welfare system: Administrative Overheads: The administrative expenses of all the different welfare programs are certainly soaring. It is costly to appraise cases, manage civil services, allocate benefits, watch recipients, arraign fraud, sue disagreements, and examine performance. Incomplete Coverage: Numerous people who are eligible for benefits fail to obtain them because they either do not apply or are shockingly rejected.Even now more people are really deprived, but do not suitable because they do not fall into an apposite class. Complexity: The management of welfare is very convoluted. There are a great many initiatives. The key programs diverge by state; local li beration varies by province. There are accurately thousands of special welfare programs in the United States, covering the land like a frayed collage coverlet. The technical regulations of the crucial programs are discouraging. AFDC is so multifaceted that officials turn to review sheets to determine donations.The parameters are too intricate to comprehend (Bernstein and Greenberg, pp. 11-13). Despite of the aforesaid dilemmas, there are further matters which were foundations for the breakdowns of the American welfare system are: ? Ineffective to keep people beyond the poverty line ? Discrepancy state regulation ? Unavailability of occupations for welfare recipients in the private zone ? Recipients have requirements that widen beyond income upholding ? Too little advantages Proposals for Improving the SystemIt is time for welfare system to implement policies that will construct swift and noticeable development. Programs should be formulated to cope with people cut off or on wellbein g. The trouble of a great number of brood being born into poverty must be condensed to lessen the number of people needing welfare. States powerless to locate jobs for welfare recipients in the private region must be compelled to produce community service jobs and the like to support the unwaged (Bernstein and Greenberg, p. 14).The American welfare system will get better if it executes the following proposals: Create universal access to health care, establish a universal maternal and child health program, update the conditions for eligibility, make plans for sub-populations, enlarge economic efficiency support the family, support the society, provide greater social alternative and alleviate greater idleness insurance. Work Cited Bernstein, J. and Greenberg, M. (2001), Reforming Welfare Reform, American Prospect, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 11-14.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example for Free (#2)

Annotated Bibliography Essay Formative assessment (11) , annotated bibliography (10) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Based upon the journalist research of web based learning environment and different learning styles; it seems that web based learning environment is an excellent medium for enhancing learning, due to its ability to adjust to individual student learning styles and preferences. The article investigates the impact of students learning style and their performance. Online degrees have increased since 2006. More learners are becoming more technologically savvy, and it is those learners that are technologically inept, who relies on instructional design from classroom settings and interaction with instructors and peers. The investigation leads to the assessment and learning style on student achievement in a Web based learning environment. If it was just a matter of instructional learning it would be a good fit for all, however, all does not possess technology abilities. If all learners had these abilities, web based learning styles would increase. Web based instructional design modules are not conclusive to certain learning styles. Consideration should be given to the learners characteristics whether the learner is able to grasp the material via the web based instruction. Learners should consider their learning style, motivational level, ability to interact with the instructor and their peers. However, without these abilities, students’ learning styles will be impacted because they lack the abilities to learn via web based instruction modules. Lai, I K. W. & Lam, F.K.S. (2010). Perception of various performance criteria by stakeholders in the construction sector in Hong Kong. Research is conducted to examine different points of views of the importance of performance outcomes in a construction project in Hong Kong. ANOVA was used to analyse the data relative to how the performances were measured. Performances were measured using a performance criteria starting with the most important first, which is time. Timely completion of a project would prevent loss of revenue and penalities to the contractor. Lai and Lam noted that construction projects require concise planning, and are  divided between the consultant and the contractor. However, each pa rty plays a significant part in the projects’ success. The difference between the client and the contractor; the client usually push for timely completion and would offer an incentive bonus for timely completion, however, the contractor would prefer a reasonable duration of time, therefore to avoid penalities to the contractor. The client, consultant, and the contractor, all parterner together to make the project a success by bringing job satisfaction, quality, safety, environment, generation of innovative ideas, performance criteria, and effectiveness to the project. Avoiding any mishaps that will delay or keep the project from running smoothly. Williams, A BTM7101-8 Activity 6, pg 2 The results of the research found that time was the most important factor of the project and should be taken into consideration early on in the planning process, and certain allowances should be factored into the budget, such as time constraints, delays, and mishaps that could happen during the construction of the project. References Wang, K.H., Wang, J.H., Wang, W.L. & Huang, S.C. (2006) Learning styles and formative assessment strategy: enhancing student achievement in Web-based learning Wang T., Wang K., Wang W., Huang S. & Chen S. (2004) Web-based Assessment and Test Analyses (WATA) system: development and evaluation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 20, 59–71 Ford N. & Chen S. (2000) Individual differences, hypermedia navigation and learning: an empirical study. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 9, 281–312. Seckel, S. (2007 Characteristics and Responsibilities of Successful e-Learners LAI, I. K. W. (2010). Perception of Various performance criteria by stateholders in the construction sector in Hong kong. Assaf, S.A. and Al-Hejji, S. (2006) Causes of delay in large construction projects. International Journal of Project Management, 24(4), 349-57. Naoum, S. (2003) An overview into the concept of parternering . International Journal of Project Management 21(1), 71-6. PAH (2008) Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineeering Works, 2008 Edition. Annotated Bibliography. (2016, Mar 28). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Personal Knowledge and experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Knowledge and experience - Essay Example This subject is associated with a very important memory of my life where my personal knowledge and experience assisted in saving the life of my young cousin. Ever since I was a young child, my mother used to guide me to learn from the things that happened in my life and I was guided that experience teaches an individual a lot. It provides a way for a person to avoid repeating the mistakes that others may have committed. When I was a young child, I used to go to my friend’s house on weekends. We used to study together in school and he was one of my very good friends. His father was a doctor and I really admired him and his personality. He was very caring and I felt that he was very sensible. One weekend when I went to his place, an untoward incident happened. His younger brother consumed some toxic substance from a bottle that was kept in the kitchen cabinet. He was a young child and had not realized that was he was consuming could have been toxic for him. His condition deterio rated and he started vomiting as well as losing consciousness. His mother started screaming for help. His father went down and realized the situation. He saw his son and the bottle that was lying nearby. He immediately moved towards the toaster and toasted a bread slice until it was almost burnt. He brought it to his son whose condition kept on worsening and made him eat the burnt slice of bread. He then took him to the hospital. At that particular instance I had not realized the purpose of what my friend’s father had done but I remembered this incident. The next time I went to his house, I questioned him about the purpose of the burnt toast and he explained to me that it was actually activated charcoal which was the most appropriate antidote which had to be given at that time. I researched into the subject and it was a very interesting finding that I discovered. Activated charcoal is basically a universal antidote that can be given in cases of emergency at home as it is an a nti-poisonous substance which can act against most poisons. I found out that it could avoid serious damage that could result from hazardous substances until the victim could be transferred to a hospital. I believed that it was a magical trick for saving someone in danger. I had always believed that I would never have to apply this technique in my life as I was not planning to become a doctor. But I still considered this antidote to be very interesting. My thoughts were proven wrong and after years of that incident a similar accident happened at my house. My relatives came to stay at our house and their young child was wandering in the kitchen. After a while, there were many screams and we all assembled in the kitchen. I realized what had happened when I saw his condition. At the same time, I also noticed the opened bottle that was lying there. My thoughts went back and I repeated the same technique that my friend’s father had done so. It proved to be very effective. This occu rrence provided a very strong explanation of the importance of personal knowledge and experience in an individual’s life. A person can learn from his experiences. It can truly be believed that a person learns from his practical experiences more than from what he reads. There are many meaningful events in the life of every individual which carry important messages. A person should grasp from

Monday, August 12, 2019

Human Resource Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Human Resource Strategy - Essay Example What is strategic human resource management? Strategic human resource management can be considered to be the capability of an organisation to ensure that it has the right mix of talent and skill in order to meet its business objectives (Armstrong and Baron, 2002, p. 42). Holbeche (2001, p. 13) highlights strategic human resource management as a ‘focus on implementing strategic change and growing the skill base of the organisation to ensure that the organisation can compete effectively in the future.’ SHRM involves the recognition of the internal intelligence available at all levels of the organisation and creating processes to draw upon this knowledge. Communication ‘is at the heart of these processes (Brewster, 2000, p. 153). The author discusses Mintzberg’s observation that strategy involves planning ahead of time and making changes to the plan on the basis of real world situations. The ability of an organisation to alter its course is dependent on the abi lity of the culture to allow for internal flexibility. SHRM then is an attempt to link organisational strategy with human resource management and drawing from this effort, makes an attempt to provide direction to the functional areas on HRM. Salaman, Storey and Billsbury (2005, p. 5) view SHRM as a ‘repository of ways in which academics, consultants†¦ think about ways to change organisations’. SHRM then is the key to how business is run and people managed. Huber and Glick (1995, p. 297) highlight the importance of facilitating organisational learning as a means to understand and adjust to changing business environments. Organisations that are designed to allow two-way information flow to ‘reflect cultural values and economic perspectives of top management’. This is of particular relevance in a multinational corporation. Ready and Conger (2007) reiterate the role of talent development in providing company’s the competitive edge to stay in the mar ketplace. They believe that companies that create ‘talent factories’ have the right mix of ‘functionality and vitality’ to fill key positions as and when the need arises. Storey (2007, p. 79-80) foresees a risk to the study of human resource management claiming to be a strategic function in the absence of a ‘robust analytical framework’. Terms like knowledge management have not been proven on grounds of efficacy in gearing the business up for change. The author suggests that some part of the responsibilities can as well be transferred to departments like marketing for managing the communications and the HR department relegated to the purely administrative practices of yore. The traditional role of HRM as policy maker to guide people management is incomplete without a conscious alignment to business goals. Strategic HRM aims to utilise the capabilities of the workforce towards a unified goal. The match between employee talent, employee goals and business goals is the key to successful work organisation. The necessary ingredients for an effective Strategic HRM process are the learning processes to facilitate future strategy development and adaptation to changes in the business environment. Who takes responsibility for strategic HRM? Ivancevich (2004, p. 48) recognises the role of the leader in laying the foundation for strategic HRM. Functional specialists provide the framework to carry out effective talent management processes; individual team heads determine

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Financial Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Financial Accounting - Essay Example Tesco’s performance in the two preceding year 2008 and 2009 has been good and the company has been performing with its best abilitites. Although the company has operated well, there are few areas that my need improvement. The profitability of the company has been good and has increased a bit but the net profit margin has decreased, indicating that the company’s conversion of its gross profit to net profit is rather low and it has gone bad in the year 2009 as compared to 2008. The liquidity is a bit shaky and needs some attention. The liquidity ratios calculated above clearly predict that the company is facing some working capital issues; the feasible result for the current ratio is 2:1, whereas the feasible result for acid test ratio would be 1:1. According to the ratios calculated, TESCO does not have the necessary current assets to deal with its current liabilities. The company as per the calculations above seems to have too many current liabilities (almost double to the amount of the current assets), such an effect is really alarming for any company and Tesco should clearly employ techniques to overcome this issue. The chairman has concluded that the company has performed well during the year end 2009 although there were major economic downturns for the global business environment due to which many weak companies collapsed. Considering that particular economic recession, TESCO has performed exceptionally well in the year 2009. Besides this, the chairman has pointed out on the acquisition of TESCO personal finance held by the Royal Bank of Scotland considering this an organic growth for the company. TESCO has certainly grown over the years and it would have been in a much better state if it was not for the global economic recession. Debenhams is a leading department stores group. Debenhams has a strong presence in key product categories including women’s wear, menswear, home wares, health and beauty, accessories,

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mktg 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Mktg 3000 - Essay Example The main reason behind this is the lack in market research or assuming that a single factor won’t make a lot of difference for example name , color, slogan, ingredients, advertising etc considering if the product is made right. We have numerous experiences on paper where such factors lead to failure of products or were termed in violation of local ethics. For eg famous British shoe maker UMBRO tagged as â€Å"appallingly insensitive† when it named its shoes meant for running as ZYKLON , the reason for such a response was later found out that ZYKLON was the same gas used in Nazi extermination camps. Similarly when Ford introduced PINTO in Brazil, it rather attracted quite a cold response and flopped. After research it was found that PINTO is a Brazilian slang for ‘tiny male genitals’. Later on Ford changed the name to Corcel meaning Horse. Also slogan for brands like Electrolux in America ‘ Nothing sucks like Electrolux’ and introduction of new products by brands who don’t keep the cultural difference in mind’ Coors Bear having slogan ‘keeping it loose’ in Spanish the slogan meant ‘ you’ll suffer from diarrhea’.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Astrological Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Astrological - Essay Example They are also good story tellers. I think that I am imaginative in a positive way. I am very much interested in riding a horse. Whenever I am free, I look forward to taking a horse ride because it gives me immense pleasure. I enjoy riding a horse because I had always imagined riding a horse from my early childhood. I don’t know it was cartoons or films but I am interested in horse riding from childhood. During horse riding I love to see beautiful sites. This has always been my dream and it has something to do with my astrological sign. Another good example that explains my imaginative power is that I like to try new things very often. I quickly get bore of doing the same thing. For example, I often rearrange of my room after every other month even if it only involves shifting my bed from one side to another. I have different posters set up on my bedroom walls and I keep on changing them as well. I try to make my room look different using my different posters and art work. I of ten am the one who persuade my friends to try out new and different things. Going out to same places very often is boring to me. I keep on planning different picnics and other activities with friends just to keep the spice in my life. For me, different is always better. Another interest of mine is to read short stories. I love to read short stories as they give me great pleasure. I also keep on thinking about writing a short story and think about different topics. These are some of the examples of my imaginative power. The second personality trait of my personality is cleverness. I think I am a clever person because I can pick new things very quickly. I am a fast learner as I quickly apply things that I see around me. I learned how to ride a horse with any major help. Also I prefer going through a website and reading about different things instead of relying on other people. I am also clever in a good way

Enquiry Based Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Enquiry Based Learning - Essay Example other sources. The group members were to meet in the next meeting with every member having researched enough /her area of allocation. The next meeting to be held on Monday of the coming week and all members left for the field. The main objective of the study is to identify the treatment measures of fatigue and the treatment strategies. It would also be important to hear from the patients of the causes of the disorder though it had already been covered in class. Presentation: Gertrude: have you noticed that most fatigue patients are women Or is that its women report the defect more frequently than men Debbie: I think more women report the disorder than men and in most cases reported the women are aged between 40 - 50 years. It does not get better with bed rest but gets worse with increased mental and physical activity. Petrina: (starting on the computer) most patients are reported to have had an infection such as flu, viral infection and after a long time of a lot of stress. Debbie: some cases have also been recorded after an of infection of the nervous system, lack of iron in the blood and low blood sugar, Gertrude: What are the main causes of the disease Maybe there are underlying causes which affect Mrs. White which we do not know. Debbie: Good idea, understand the cause will help in the treatment of other patients. Petrina: Gertrude, you wanted to go and join your fellow students; maybe you should go and see what is going on the main ward as we find more information for you. Gertrude: (leaving hurriedly) let me interact with the patients. I'll like to know more about their condition. Debbie: I hope we will find the right diagnosis for Mrs. White; she has...In general enquiry based learning avoids the spoon feeding kind of teaching experienced during lectures and reading lists but rather allows students to try theory they have learnt in class by themselves. The tutor takes a back seat and is only there to guide rather than dictate, the students split into groups and go to learn in they see best for them. The group members were to meet in the next meeting with every member having researched enough /her area of allocation. The next meeting to be held on Monday of the coming week and all members left for the field. The main objective of the study is to identify the treatment measures of fatigue and the treatment strategies. It would also be important to hear from the patients of the causes of the disorder though it had already been covered in class. Debbie: I think more women report the disorder than men and in most cases reported the women are aged between 40 - 50 years. It does not get better with bed rest but gets worse with increased mental and physical activity. Gertrude : really the disease seems to be complex I know now some causes which I had never imagined of before like lack of proper functioning of the immune system for example in cases of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and changes in the production levels of hormones produced mainly by the adrenal glands and the pituitary glands. Petrina: (walking into the visitors waiting r