Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Free Will and Divine Foreknowledge Essay

Free will is the ability to make our own choices in issues regarding all aspects of life. It is a power that enables us to make our own choices that are not affected by external factors such as divine will. Therefore, each one sins by his/her own will. While, divine foreknowledge is the fact that God has complete knowledge of what will happen in the future. In â€Å"On Free Choice of the Will†, St. Augustine discusses a critical issue which is the incompatibility of man’s free will and God’s foreknowledge. So the question is, do we really have free will in spite of the fact that God foreknows everything? If God knows what must necessarily happen next, then how do have the free will to make our own choices? Augustine comes up with a series of arguments to prove that we sin by our own will with no intervention of the divine foreknowledge. Augustine first argued a characteristic of God that He has free will, and that He has foreknowledge of his own actions. Therefore, both God’s will and foreknowledge go along with each other. From this point he then assumes that man’s will and God’s foreknowledge are both compatible. But can we compare God with man? And is this argument convincing enough? More elaboration has to be given in order to make it more convincing. Augustine then proceeds to do so. He states that people who do not believe in the compatibility of free will and divine foreknowledge are those who â€Å"are more eager to excuse than confess their sins† (p. 73). That means that people who always blame others for their own wrong doings rather than admitting it are those who claim that we have no free will and that everything is already known by God, and that nothing can be changed, which they also use as a justification for their wrong actions. These people live their life by chance, leaving everything according to the circumstances rather than trying to take good actions. An example for that is the beggars, who always try to take money from people without giving anything in return or even having a job, although they have the ability to do so. But because of their laziness and their belief that this is what they were created to be, they leave everything to happen by luck and according to God’s foreknowledge that couldn’t be changed (p. 73). Augustine then moves to another point which is the relation between the will and the power to achieve that will. He states that the will itself is within our power. Therefore, our desire to commit certain acts is a power that we own. But if we will something that is not within our power then it is not considered as a will because we can only will what is within our power. Augustine then discusses that if something good happens to us then it is accordance to our will, not against it. So for example, being happy, although God foreknows that you will be so, doesn’t mean that we are happy against our will. Thus, God’s foreknowledge of our happiness doesn’t take away our will to be happy (p. 76). And so, he concludes that if God foreknows our will, then definitely this will is going to occur, and so it will be a will in the future. Consequently, his foreknowledge doesn’t take away our will. And since that what we will is in our power, God foreknows our power and He will not take it away. Hence, we will have that power because God foreknows it (p. 77). So Augustine made it clear â€Å"that it is necessary that whatever God has foreknown will happen, and that he foreknows our sins in such a way that our wills remain free and are with in our power† (p.77). However, the fact that God’s foreknowledge of our sins is consistent with our free will in sinning still stays questionable. Taking into consideration the fact that God is just, so how does He punish our sins that happen by necessity? Or is God’s foreknowledge not an obligation? The topic is still confusing so Augustine then proceeds to make it clearer. He explains that if we are certain that someone is going to sin, then we have foreknowledge with the wrongdoing that he/she is going to commit. This foreknowledge didn’t force them to do so, but it was done by their own free will. Accordingly, their will to sin is consistent with our foreknowledge of that sin. Therefore, â€Å"God forces no one to sin, even though he foresees those who are going to sin by their own will† (p. 78). Augustine then compares foreknowledge with memory. He states that our â€Å"memory does not force the past to have happened†, and similarly God’s foreknowledge of the future doesn’t force it to occur (p. 78). And we remember things in the past that we have done but didn’t do everything that we remember, likewise God foreknows everything that He will cause in the future, but doesn’t cause everything that is within His foreknowledge (p. 78). As a result, God punishes our sins that we do by our own will and which He did not cause, as God is known by his justice. Augustine then comes up with a good argument for all those who are still slightly confused, that if God should not punish us for our sins that He foresees then He also shouldn’t reward us for our good work that He also foresees (p. 78). To conclude, Augustine succeeded in coming up with a good argument showing that man’s free will and God’s foreknowledge are both compatible. The sequence of his ideas made his argument understandable and convincing for any reader. As a reader, I’ve always thought about that subject but didn’t receive any answers. However, reading â€Å"On Free Choice of the Will† made everything clear for me and made me well convinced that God’s foreknowledge doesn’t intervene with our own choices that we make. Works Cited Williams, Thomas. On Free Choice of the Will. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. , 1993. 129. Print.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of the game Essay

As the rackets of the game have changed, the style of play has changed accordingly. During the wooden racket era, before the flood of the metal and metal composite rackets, players hit groundstrokes with slight topspin but mostly flat or with underspin, particularly on the backhand side. To provide the players with the underspin or flat shots, players hit with an eastern grip (slightly east of the continental style grip achieved by sliding the â€Å"V† area between the thumb and index finger down the side of the frame to the grip) to help generate slice and handle low balls better. Players used this style of play to compensate for the lower bounce produced on grass courts compared to the bounce of hard and clay courts today. In effect, groundstrokes had to be long and fluid with early preparation and a long follow through to get the necessary power and control by swinging the heavier wooden rackets.  Players with wooden rackets also stood sideways to the ball and stepped into the swing to generate more power. Furthermore, the small sweetspot of the wooden racket required players to have more exact, controlled swings instead of the quick, powerful, whip-like swings of today’s players. As an example, John McEnroe, a former tennis professional and Grand Slam winner, supports wooden rackets saying: I have been a proponent of the wood racket†¦wood rackets would bring back skill and finesse to the game and would make the points longer and more fun to watch. And I could watch all those young guys cry like that little baby doll that wets herself as they try to return a serve with a 15-ounce piece of lumber. (McEnroe 1).  As a result, players could not end the point with a single shot like today and therefore games consisted of more rallies. The rackets and styles of play have evolved to the 21st Century and have dramatically changed the way tennis is played. Instead of the long and fluid groundstrokes used with wooden rackets, lighter more powerful rackets have developed quick, short but powerful swings by tennis players today. The players also use a more western or semi-western grip (achieved by placing the racket on the ground and coming from straight above, picking the racket up with one hand). These grips tend to generate more power and topspin as well make it easier to hit high bouncing balls. This heavy topspin usually causes points to end more quickly with more winners and harder shots. These changes in the game are all in relation to the development of higher bouncing courts, hard courts and clay courts, and the shorter grass court tournament season. Also, as a result to the more powerful modern rackets, serves were consistently hit over 100 mph and many clocked at more than 120 mph contributing to the quicker points. Furthermore, many serves were unreturnable meaning that it would be almost impossible for players to return or even more to hit the ball with the racket. The change in rackets in the 20th Century was not only limited to a change in the game but the tennis market was affected as well. According to Edward Tenner, the new rackets were not as profitable for racket manufacturers as the wooden rackets were during the peak in tennis popularity in the early 1970’s (Tenner 3). However, shortly following this rapid growth in tennis popularity, tennis’s popularity among the common people started to decline. According to the records of the Tennis Industry Association, two years before the introduction of the Prince racket in 1974, the number of tennis players reached its peak and then started a decline (Tenner 1). Later, the sale of tennis balls was evaluated and showed a drop in tennis ball usage between 1990 and 1993 (Tenner 3). A short explanation of this event could be that players were not ready to pay the higher price for newer metal rackets. The modern rackets, costing about $150, were much more expensive compared to the lower price of wooden rackets in the early 1970s. However, the introduction of the modern rackets produced a larger selection of varying rackets for tennis consumers shown in the following excerpt from Tennis Magazine, â€Å"To play your best tennis, your racket has to complement your game. And with more frames than ever being designed for specific types of players, finding that magic wand has never been easier.† (2001 Racket Guide 1) In addition, modern rackets are designed for all different types of players including strictly baseliners to serve and volleyers. Mark Macky, Dunlop’s director of racket sports, shows this in the following statement, â€Å"It’s no longer enough to make a racket for one ability level – beginner, intermediate, advanced. Today, companies make rackets that are targeted to specific styles of play. A serve and volleyer, for example, will want a different type of racket than a baseliner.† (2001 Racket Guide 1) Although while racket manufacturers may have suffered from the introduction of modern rackets, consumers seem to benefit. According to â€Å"New York Times† newspaper, the new metal rackets prove to last longer and need restringing less often saving consumers money (Tenner 3). Furthermore, metal rackets can last up to ten years or more contrary to the wooden rackets that were damaged by age, warping, and cracking.  In conclusion, although many tennis professionals believe that wooden rackets would increase the charisma of tennis, there is undeniable evidence that proves modern rackets to be better for the game and all levels of players. Newer rackets provide more options for tennis players, giving them more power and control than ever before therefore elevating the level of play in the game of tennis. They also appeal to lower levels of players making the game easier to learn and in effect, better for everyone. In addition, although the market seemed to be falling, it is currently rising for the game of tennis and showing this, the U.S. Open has had more viewers in the year of 2001 than ever before in the history of the game.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Essay Example for Free

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Essay Balance Sheet and Income Statement Jennifer Grayson BSA/500 June 4, 2011 Brian Keltch Balance Sheet and Income Statement The following four companies are related to the companies that have been in review over the last four weeks. These four following companies show how well the company has been doing over the last two years or not so well. The company has pulled their balance sheets and income statement to see if all the company’s financial needs are being met. If the company’s needs are not being met, the company will show where the company needs to cut back and where the company needs to improve. Conclusion National Plastic Co. s not doing well after a year. The company has less net fixed assets after a year. The company has borrowed less liability but the company has less revenue so with the changes it did not work in the favor for the company. AMERCO Inc. is still doing about the same after a year. The big thing is that the company is still able to bring in money with the economy at its worst. The company is able to run comfortable. Kout Food Group is doing about the same as the year before. No growth has happen and no lost has happen. Resaas Services Inc. has made the most growth in a year. In 2010 the total liabilities and equity was 0. 8% and in 2011 5. 67%. The company gained more than 5. 39%. Resaas is doing well. To look at all the different company’s income statements and balance sheets show that no two companies are the same. Some companies may do better than others may and some may not do well at all. It is important for all companies to make sure to have a financial statement. Reference BLOOMBERG L. P. (2012). Balance Sheet and Income Statement. (2018, Oct 26).

Poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Poem - Essay Example In the poem he expresses his emotions and grief for his son, he says goodbye to his son and wishes that he had never been a father to him because of the grief he feels, but he also mentions and suggests that he should also be feeling happy because his son has escaped the worries of the world and he lives now in heaven. If talked about the structure of this poem, it can be said that the poem is clearly a meditation of his thought; it is an elegy, a poem written on the death of his son. It expresses sorrow about the death of his loved one. About the structure of his poem, it can be said that it is written in heroic couplets with rhyming iambic pentameters, it is developed in rhyming couplets with each line in pentameters. It is important to mention that despite the strong adherence, the poem conveys strong emotions and feelings. Jonson use of language and imagery in this poem is also unique; he creates a metaphor of his son having been lent to him by god so that he pays him back on the named day. The image he represents in the poem is powerful; he considers the seven years he spent with his son as a gift from his god. Death is represented as a state that a man should envy because Jonson thinks that man is safe from the misery of the world (Hager 224). Thus, to conclude it can be said that Jonson had used strong portrayal of imagery and metaphors in this poem which connects with his strong representation of feelings and emotions. He rejoices the feeling that is developed after his son’s death because according to him it is the state where a man is away from worldly worries and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summary for chapters 3,4,5 from (The Economics of women,men,and work) Assignment

Summary for chapters 3,4,5 from (The Economics of women,men,and work) - Assignment Example In this book, Chapter Three is all about family as an economic unit where the lesson tries to throw light on the changes that occurs after the marriage in the couple’s life and the changing family structure. The chapter tries to focus on the implications that these changes have on the market outcomes and new data on the allocation on the housework between the men and the women. The family is such a unit where the adult members are held responsible to make informed as well as rational decisions which will help to maximize the well being of the family. It has been frequently the case that women are more productive than men in home and men are more productive in the market. The main reason behind this is that both men and women are traditionally raised with different expectations. Moreover both the sex receives different education and training. It has also been found that women are basically discriminated in the labor market and it is because of this discrimination that the marke t earnings of the women are lowered as compared to men. The chapter tries to explain the importance of both spouses being employed in the family. If one of the spouses becomes unemployed then the earning of the other would be beneficial in these regards to cover at least the household expenses. After the marriage the complete picture changes and the change is found in the lives of the coupled family. The most affected factor is the income of the family. There is increase in the expenses of the family and men are held responsible for it. Employed women show less interest in the household work and are also characterized to be more educated then men. Allocation of time among the households and the labor market hold optimum importance in Chapter Four. In this chapter, the author tries to thoroughly review the trends in the labor supply of women and men to the market. The lesson wants to focus on the participation of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Response to 4 students postings with 60 words and 2 references for Coursework - 2

Response to 4 students postings with 60 words and 2 references for each response - Coursework Example The writer presents his findings from an approach whereby he looks at how and why both validity and reliability can be determined by using basic tests and scales. Moreover, the combination of more than one scale at a time is highlighted (OConnor, 2011). This was an important aspect for the writer to have covered because clears researcher who may have some doubts with introducing new forms of scales with an existing scale they may be dealing with from their doubts (Gardener, 2009). An important perspective of the writer’s work has to do with the fact that he stated off by taking more about the advantages of using scales. In this, he explains that scales are used to â€Å"resolve the complexity inherent in people’s behavior† (Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias, 2008, pp.422-424). By this, researchers get a first hand information as to the need for them to settle for one form of scale or the other. The writer could however elaborate more on the weaknesses of using specific scales so that researchers can be on the lookout for these weaknesses and address them appropriately in their research processes (Gardener, 2009, p. 232). Much of the focus on the measurement of the validity with the use of scales was narrowed to the population that the researcher has to deal with. In this, the writer emphasized that the population is the accessible group of people that the researcher would have to be dealing with (Experiment Resource, 2011). By this, other researchers are offered an insight into how well to manipulate their populations to ensure that they achieve reliability and validity for each kind of scale that they choose (Gardener, 2009, p.

Friday, July 26, 2019

MIH514 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives - Mod 2 SLP Essay

MIH514 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives - Mod 2 SLP - Essay Example There may still be some extended family in the home but not as often since arriving in the US. If there are extended family living with a family unit, it is most often temporary as a family obligation until the others can get on their feet. (Shapiro, 2009). Many of the Indian people come to the US highly educated and become professionals while there are some who are not. They are unusual in the sense that they do not concentrate in singular neighborhoods so they seem less visible and most of them speak English. Their goals and priorities are much related to family. Assuring safe and well cared for families and homes , good health, an happiness is at the top of their list. Like previously mentioned, they are often well educated and are embarrassed if not able to hold a job. Disability is not spoken about and may actually be hidden away in the family system. Their children are of top priority and much of the developmental tasks that occur for them are childhood oriented. All children have some problems with enculturalization but the Asian Indian people are most concerned about it. They make a huge effort to retain cultural identity and still parent within a dissimilar culture (Inman, Howard & Beaumont, 2007). As previously noted, the elders in the family are treated with a great deal of respect. For example, they are never called by their first name. They serve as a resource to the parents of the family and to the children. There has been some change here as the nuclear family forms in the US and the extended family is more likely to disappear. In fact many of the elders are still in their home country though they are likely supported in some way by the family here in the US. (Merrill & Palmer, 2007) Though many of the Indian people who have immigrated to this country have left the cast system behind them, there remains much influence from it, including what kind of profession you will have and where you will be on the social latter. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analysis governments involved in events and festival Essay - 1

Analysis governments involved in events and festival - Essay Example A few responsibilities however are common among all these levels of the government with the exception of others which are concerned with only a particular level of government. The basic function of every government is to provide protection and safety to the people. It is also the duty of the government to maintain order and peace in the country (Raj & Morpeth, 2007). It comes under the utmost responsibility of the government to make sure that no such events are taking place in the country that can result in disruption of the smooth running of the government and thereby affect stability of the country. It is also the responsibility of the concerned authorities to keep the economic conditions of the country up to a certain necessary mark and strive to make the country progress and increase economic stability. Providing the people and the citizens of the country with the basic necessities and provisions of life in order to help the people to live a satisfied and contended life is the ob ligation of the administration. Also governments have the primary responsibility to provide leisure activities for the people of their country so that they remain healthy and fit (Hall & Sharples, 2008). It is basically the duty of the local government to provide these leisure and entertainment facilities to the people. Entertainment facilities that government usually focus on include amusement parks, parks, walking tracks, gardens, theater, sports grounds, malls, museums, art galleries, exhibitions and different sites for tourist attractions. In order to make these entertainment facilities easily accessible it is necessary that the transport facilities like train, buses, etc. are easily available and these facilities are available at an affordable price so that they can be accessed by all the citizens of the country. Besides that roads and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


HYPNOTHERAPY & NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING - Essay Example Therefore, all the suggestions are entered to the subconscious without conscious intervention. Once conscious faculties are sure that monotonous stimuli unlikely to endanger their subject, they become complacent and irresponsible. With attention gone there can be no conscious intervention which leads to the state of conscious suspension. Conscious faculties are alert and vigilant to check the security or any danger from external stimuli. Therefore, the conscious faculties intervene when suggestions are on their way to the subconscious. To produce monotony to the sense of feeling, the subject should be made very comfortable by reducing all possible external stimuli. The pressure on the subjects body should be released by avoiding any unpleasant sensation commonly known as pins and needles. The subject should be instructed to sit properly without the legs crossed. The room environment should be calm and temperature should be maintained at constant level. If the emotional force generated by thoughts or perceptions is not discharged through appropriate action, the pressure will build up and escape where it finds least barrier. If it is not discharged, building of such a force might lead to destructive level of pressure. Hypnotist displays posters before his performance which claims to possess mysterious hypnotic powers, the power to control minds, and the power to control the actions of others. At the actual show, special stage props, a carefully planned presentation, and the impressive appearance of the hypnotist, all play a part in contributing still further to building up emotion in the audience. In normal situations the emotion is discharged through appropriate action. The builded pressure escapes where it finds least barrier. When the asserting pressure is moderate, feelings such as satisfaction, dislikes etc. are released. It can render the conscious faculties inefficient and incapable of carrying out their normal duties. In our working model of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Examine any foreign currency of your choice (preferably from and Research Paper

Examine any foreign currency of your choice (preferably from and emerging market and provide an analysis of that currency agains - Research Paper Example Hence, it can be stated that the movements of exchange rates have vital implications over the national economy including its business cycle, trade and capital flows. Additionally, exchange rate is often regarded as an important factor that influences the foreign economic policy of a country by a large extent (Dua & Ranjan, 2011). The paper intends to identify and analyse the Indian Rupee against the US Dollar over the five years period ending with 2010. Macroeconomic Analysis of the Indian Rupee over the US Dollar Macroeconomic fundamentals play a crucial role in the determination of exchange rate. This particular statement can be well interpreted with reference to the microeconomic context and currency fluctuations witnessed in India in the recent years. India has witnessed enormous volatility in the recent decade which has resulted in constant fluctuation of the Indian Rupee against US Dollar. The fluctuation had been quite apparent during the period of 2005-2010 (Somaiya, 2008). F or instance, during the year 2009, the Indian Rupee reached 48.32 against the US Dollar which was recorded to be the lowest exchange rate against the US Dollar over the five year period ranging from 2005-2010; while, in 2007, the Indian Rupee was identified to be 41.20 which was again observed to be the highest against the US Dollar for the stated five year period (SignalTrend Inc, 2012). Source: (SignalTrend Inc., 2012) Since 1990, India has made several structural reforms with respect to its foreign exchange related affairs. The major objectives of these reforms were fundamentally to enhance the confidence level among the investors and thereby, maintain a degree of domestic competiveness. Contextually, a major reason identifiable behind the appreciation of Indian Rupee against the US Dollar for the period of 2005-2010 illustrates the occurrence to be a consequence of the increase recorded in the capital inflow of the nation. The FDI equity inflow between 2005 and 2010 was identifi ed to be seven times more than the previous five years i.e. 2000-2004 (Rao & Dhar, 2011). During the fiscal years from 2007 to 2008, the currency exchange rates in almost all the emerging markets including India had strengthened against US Dollar. According to the reports on currency and finance during the aforementioned period, The Indian Rupee was appreciated by 10.2 percent as on March 2009. However, it is worth mentioning that Indian currency, in the five years period, has also depreciated dramatically in certain circumstances. After the occurrence of Lehman’s bankruptcy, the Indian Rupee sharply depreciated, reaching the level of 50 INR/US$, in the month of October 2008. The depreciation in Indian Rupee was primarily attributed with the rise in the price of crude petrol and inflationary pressure prevailing within the country. Moreover, the declining exports and continuous outflow of nat6ional income also contributed towards the depreciation of Rupee and appreciation of t he US Dollar (Reserve Bank of India, 2009). It is worth mentioning in this regard that the depreciation of Indian rupee had dramatic impacts upon the economy. Consequently, the depreciation resulted in higher import costs which ultimately lead towards the price rise of import commodities such as crude petrol and i

Public Relation Core Values Essay Example for Free

Public Relation Core Values Essay Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has extremely important core ethical values that include advocacy, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, and fairness. All of which will help further a public relations practitioner in their career. Every practitioner handles every job differently, in a way thats going to benefit both the company they are working for as well as the public. Honesty should be the most important core value for every practitioner. Not only should it be the most important core value in the work field, it should also be the most important core value in everyones life as well. On the other hand, practitioners tend to ignore their core values while working. One of the biggest values they tend to ignore or overlook is fairness. Mark Twain once said, Honesty is the best policy; when there is money in it. This quote should be every public relations practitioner motto because being honest will always lead you to conducting better business with clients. Clients want honest individuals working for them because the company expects the practitioner to represent the company in a way thats going to gain the publics trust. When the public has your trust, they are going to shop at your company rather than one who puts out false advertisement and has a poor look in the publics eyes. Not only does the quotes speak for itself, but honesty is simply the best way to conduct business. Some practitioners try their hardest to provide equally fair service to every client. Fairness is a core value that all practitioners respect but is hard to do at times. When dealing with clients, employers, peers,vendors, competitors, and most important the public, its hard to keep everyone happy. Lets say a practitioner is dealing directly with a company for the release of a new product. The company producing the item may not want competitors knowing about it so they can keep the technological edge on its competitors but also at the same time they want the public to hear about whats new. Since they manage what information the public hears, its essential what they say. No matter what they say or dont say, someones always going to want more. With that being said, someones not going to be happy. Life in general isnt always fair, so when faced with a situation that can cause grey areas with others, do what you ethically think is the right thing.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Report on Data Management Essay Example for Free

Report on Data Management Essay Introduction HR data would need to be stored by all organisations due to either legal requirements or internal purposes. This report will uncover types of data and methods of storing them. The last segment of the report will cover legislations that affect HR data as ‘there is a substantial and complex amount of EU and UK legislation that has an impact upon the retention of personnel and other related records’(Retention of HR records, 2013) Why Collect HR Data HR data can be collected for various reasons in an organisation. There are two reasons listed below: Productivity: appraisals records are collected so  that managers can assess the productivity of their staff and team. It can also be useful for employees to know their potential within the team and can use it for their career progression. Legal Compliance: Payroll data would be important for the HM Revenue and Customs to calculate taxes whereas health and safety records can help the company to improve their environment and allow them to be compliant with the Health and Safety Act. Also certain data can be used as evidence in any legal proceedings that the company may have to face. Types of HR Data and how it supports HR ‘Monitoring records enables personnel to amend or reformulate policies and procedures.’(Personnel data and record keeping, 2011) Below are 2 types of data that HR collects:  Recruitment and Selection- records on staff turnover and vacancies can be important for HR as it informs them when and for which team to recruit for and also allows them to see the trend in each team depending on its staff turnover. This would also include appraisal records which would inform them if an employee or team needs training. Absence Data-the absence reports, complied from the absence data gives HR an indication of which department is suffering most from high absentees and allows them to rethink the working patterns. It also helps them to calculate the cost of absenteeism to the organisation. Data Storage and its Benefits Data can be stored in several methods. However, below are 2 key methods which can be used along with their benefits. 1. Manual / Paper based- keeping records on paper in a filing cabinet Files cannot be destroyed with any virus Information can be accessed without any password restrictions Members do not need to be PC literate to find data 2. Computerised filing More than one user can access the information at the same time Large volumes of data can be stored and accessed easily  Data can be used to compile reports and identify trends with the latest programmes on computer Most companies prefer their records to be stored electronically as it is efficient and easily accessible. However, there are  certain companies which use both methods as certain records do not need to be stored for a longer period of time, hence can be filed away in cabinets. Essential UK legislations relating to recording, storing and accessing HR data There are several legislations that affect the retention of HR data. Below are two such legislations. Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) DPA applies to most HR records, whether held in paper or on computer. DPA controls how personal information of living individuals is used by organisations, businesses or the government. It came into force on March 2000. There are 8 data protection principles the data controller needs to comply to in order to handle data correctly: 1. ‘adequate, relevant and not excessive 2. fairly and lawfully processed 3. processed for limited purposes 4. accurate 5. not kept for longer than is necessary 6. processed in line with your rights 7. secure 8. not transferred outside EU without adequate protection’ (Employment Law FAQ, 2013) Every company that processes personal information must be registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), unless they are exempt. The ICO, which is UK’s independent supervisory authority, ensures that the DPA as well as other data protection/retention legislations are followed by organisations and it can prosecute them for not doing so. Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) The FOI came into force on January 2005. It gives the public a right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, however there are few exceptions to these right as not all personal records can be obtained by public, such records can be requested under the DPA. Government departments, local authorities, the NHS, state schools and police forces are few of the public authorities. Conclusion This report explains that recording and storing data is very important. Every  company has a different method and reason of storing data; however, handling data correctly is important for all. There are several legislations that can affect the data retention and not complying with these legislations can have an adverse effect on the company’s reputation. Reference List CIPD, 2013.Retention of HR Records.[online] Available at: [Accessed 13 June 2014] ACAS, 2011. Personnel data and record keeping.[online] Available at: [Accessed 12 June 2014] CIPD 2013. DP04: What is data protection and what are the eight data protection principles?.[online] Available at: [Accessed 17 June 2014] Activity 2 Analysing Absence Data in Examinations Team Introduction The report includes findings and analysis of different reasons of absence within an Examinations Team from May-December in 2013. The final segment of the report concludes the analysis along with recommendations to overcome the core reasons of absence. Absence Level in Examinations Team There are two apparent findings from the graph (data in appendix 1), the high levels of absence from May-June due to stress and from October- December due to viral problems: May-June: due to peak season of exams, the examinations team is required to do ample preparations from planning, supervising and marking exams to attending board meetings. This therefore, becomes very stressful for the team as ‘the most common cause of stress†¦is workload’ (Barometer of HR Trends and Prospects, 2013) and as each person is only trained in their individual role there are issues of ‘presenteeism’. October-December: during this season many people fall sick due to bad weather. However, the outbreak of the Norovirus in 2013 could also be the reason for the viral problems to increase. Also, due to Christmas parties in December it further causes the virus to spread from contaminated food. Conclusion The study indicates that stress and viral issues were two implications the examinations team suffered from in 2013.Stress is a common issue in several workplaces as mentioned in the Absence Management report by CIPD and it can be costly. To overcome the issue, two possible recommendations are: Stress- 1. Hire temporary staff during busy period 2. Train team members to share workload and prevent presenteeism, where employees feel forced to come into work. Viral Problems- 1. Give free flu vaccination to employees 2. Communicate awareness regarding the virus Appendix 1: Number of Employees Absent by Reasons in 2013 (a) Musculoskeletal- back, neck and other muscle pain (b) Ear, Nose, Dental pain and skin disorder Reference List BPP. (2013).Appendix 1 of Number of Employees Absent by Reasons in 2013. London: BPP CIPD, 2013.barometer of HR trends and prospects 2013.[online] Available at:[Accessed 18June 2014]

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Information Systems Essays Business Information Systems

Information Systems Essays Business Information Systems Business Information Systems (Technology, development and management for the e-business. Business Information Systems is business on the Internet for the benefit of all. It is essentially electronic business. The horizon of e-business encompasses the globe, free from the limited scope of customary bricks and mortar shops. It is the selling of products and services online, which is termed also as e-commerce.   Although the term â€Å"electronic commerce† is related more with business to consumer (B2C) applications IT has enabled this to cross over into the business-to-business (B2B) field as well. Through business information systems, purchasing processes are contoured to handle orders and their delivery, thus resulting in minimal paper work and labour required. Earlier, it was a practice to do business in hard copy for invoices and purchase orders. Now, documents in bulk, with particular format or data keying, are transferred electronically. A business can manage its Catalogue online by maintaining it up-to-date and current on its supplies, prices, discounts, without reprinting its catalogues. The Fine food Company, an established name in the food industry has finally made up its mind to run its business activities on the escalator of latest technology, to keep abreast with the changing times. Earlier, it was operating its business on a paper-based traditional set up. The company wants to increase its turnover by 10% and net profits to 9 per cent and hopes to be accredited for BS5750 within next 6 months. This decision of the management of the Fine Food Company (FFC) will certainly increase its reputation. A food conglomerate has to cater to a varied customer base through its shops and supermarkets, catering to standard and priority orders for quick delivery. A food company, working in a traditional set up has to handle its sales activities through its sales persons, who receive orders, payments, see through the orders to their fulfillment and answer routine questions. Customers are categorized geographically, depending on a customer’s type and product demand. A sales head can change his mindset to change a customer into a different category at any moment. The Fine Food Company has appointed an Information systems expert, to manage the affairs of the smooth running of its newly created IT department. In a paper-based communication, order processing can be quite a cumbersome procedure to follow. Order copies have to be retained by sales people and sent to the warehousing and distribution departments in date-wise format so that at the time of delivery, they are accompanied with an invoice and consignment note. The delivery man has to bring back a signed copy of the consignment. Warehousing involves keeping the produce in different temperature zones and shifting the goods to different locations, upkeep of raw products and finished goods. Card files have to be maintained manually whenever updating is required. David Jenkins has to see that all these complexities can be removed by opting for different solutions that go along with the FFC scheme to incorporate those software solutions with a range of proprietary software like Epicor eWarehouse. A food company’s manufacturing process involves simple repackaging to not so simple enlisting of detail of different recipes.   Keeping this in mind, software should integrate with the central system. To run a micro supply chain, different interfaces are required for the stability of the product. Otherwise, the finances of a food company that is still working on obsolete, labour intensive framework, could be quite complex to handle. Accounts payable are managed with a manual purchase ledger. Financial accounting has to be done by following the legal accounting requirements and Management accounting, which is must to know the inside of the food joint’s accounting information – essential to control a company’s finances. All this requires up-to-date maintenance of manual sales ledger and preparation of weekly reports on the customer’s financial records. Inventory was also checked against its distributor’s location. FFC has multiple distributors, having varied processes at their locations. An e-business food company like Fine Foods may want to know the details of their product’s price, name of the buyer and  Ã‚   the location. Software solutions like Epicor provide a mirror to adjustment transactions. â€Å"Epicor eWarehouse has enabled us to mirror our inventory in remote locations, and we have automated the process of the shipping and receiving of data,† says Cummings of B.C. Hot House. Working of a food house is complex in nature. Farmers sell their products to them; suppliers replenish the stock of packaging material. The entire process of managing the graded and semi-graded products of a range of growers is an uphill task. It involves putting the goods into bins, categorizing them into different packing material etc. To fulfill the demand, and gain a competitive edge over other players in the food industry, FFC has numerous options and tools to choose from like e-business software solution providers Movex B2B solutions. Core ERP solutions offer dialogue with the customers and add value to the business through information via the Internet. Another important tool in the e-commerce arena is Data Synchronization. Leading food giant companies are pushing their suppliers to enlist for electronic data interchange (EDI). As there is a high risk of committing errors in maintaining data manually because different departments have no identical way to save product information. Labour intensive methods of compiling and reconciling the data are prone to human errors. The example of Wal-Mart in data synchronization is a prime example for the Industry to follow. Randy Salley, Vice President of Wal-Mart Information Systems has supported the industry standards set by the GSMP choosing UCCnet as their GS1 GDSN Certified recipient data pool. Implementation of this technology is going to result in exact purchase orders, better invoice matching, better than before replacement of stocks. The process has been made easier than before with the arrival of IBM, GXS and other players developing Product Information Management (PIM) systems. There is the example of Sun Valley Foods, a Division of Cargill, which has also opted for B2B to improvise on its food product’s development and distribution. It has gone for Supply Chain Management (SCM) as well. The software solution has facilitated a safe hosting extranet along with a personalized portal interface, allowing space for product packaging, marketing and research. It will result in better collaboration between different departments such as warehousing, distribution and sales, removing hindrances like determination of the status of an order, late delivery, incomplete orders and wrong products, which were faced earlier. Now, Warehousing would be prioritizing big orders to small ones to speed marketing and on the whole transaction flow. The information technology platform offers a centralized web-based repository of reporting tools, resulting in no manufacturing delays. The SCM technologies improve the grading of a product as well as its marketing timing. The Internet facilitates the booking of orders at once to all departments, to proceed to realize it without getting involved in lengthy phone calls. Websites are used as a marketing tool, to offer the retail customers a place to visit the gallery of products and a platform for wholesalers for ordering information, an online catalogue and online order forms. All this is not possible on a traditional platform of working through hard copy. Now, orders are placed with a user name and password and then forwarded to fill an online purchase form. In fact, it is a wonderful example of assimilation of technology – developed and managed efficiently. Intranets help sales people to know the current financial and sales effect. Real-time financial reports can be generated, eliminating the scope of incomplete sales returns, making Management Accounting an easy task, as accurate information can be accessed and forwarded to all departments. Late publishing of accounts, due to wrong information, is never an issue. Internet and intranet applications have resulted in solid savings and better efficiency. Within the company, the intranet financial report application gives the management sufficient time to go through information in the generated reports and work out a strategy/response accordingly. Future Benefits – The Fine Food Company is hopeful to benefit by the introduction of the latest technology. Benefits include online access to latest information on the inventory, customer contact, credit status, order position and online nets. It will offer to work on system-to-system basis with big clients who have their own ERP solutions, resulting in contouring of EDI process. XML will enable the swapping of invoices, buying orders and shipping notices straight to the clients, online. Smaller customers will also benefit through e-business solutions via the Internet. As they don’t have ERP systems, companies would be able to offer additional customer service through their reach to accounts and sales statistics information over the Internet. Big retailers would be able to forecast their demands through the Internet. Once this becomes possible allover the supply line, the company’s e-business infrastructure will be in a position to forecast their stock needs according to their actual demands, resulting in optimization of stocks. Companies can march towards appreciable consumer response and Vendor Managed Inventory, enjoying the benefits of technology and development processes. Future forecasting for large retailers is quite bright, as e-business infrastructure will enable them to place their orders straight to the supplier, through the Internet. Conclusion: The trend of opting for e-business is catching speed. Businesses are using different forms of Internet-supported services like e-procurement, e-mailing and websites, saving a great deal of time and cost. A business can solve its customer’s technical hardware and software problems by working on virtual computer systems. This trend is going to continue with the advent of latest technologies like Internet enabled cell phones and PDAs. Bibliography:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Ionic Column :: Art Columns Architecture History Essays

The Ionic Column Throughout history, art has become the main source for entertainment, enlightenment, and acknowledgement. It entertains those who are bored in the everyday life. It enlightens those who seek another world and those who seek beauty with wild imaginations. It acknowleges those who seek development in nature and their own world. From the cave drawings of Paleolithic art in Lascaux , to the Ancient Egyptian pyramids, and to the classical Greek sculptures, art is a never ending cycle of productions and reproductions passed on from one generation to the next, and from one culture to the next. Art throughout history plays an important role because it tells us about man's development in culture, language, and life. Everyday, the works of art from the past have been reproduced to inspire and attract. As a key strategic method to attract people, advertisement is the common benefactor for the reminesences of art throughout the periods, such as, the classical Greek Ionic columns. So there are ne w uses of older art works in many places, including magazines, newspapers, television, internet, and shopping malls. ( Prof. Smith lecture). In this essay, a trace of the Ionic column may be found from a page in The Wall Street Journal that may have distinctive similarities and differences in its physical usage and psychological meaning. A new usage of an old work of art is found in the Wall Street Journal which has words formed into the shape of an Ionic column in black and white, found in a classical Greek order. The newspaper was dated October 9, 1996 and the new use of this classical Greek order was found in the last page of section B12. This Ionic shaped column is big and long, considering the fact that the size of the newspaper is bigger than 11 by 17 inches. The image of the size in the new use column may have been to imitate the actual size of Greek column approximately of over 12 feet tall. (Refer to picture of 5 columns and the Wall Street Journal). This ionic column is so detailed by the formation of companies' name, letterings, showing distinctive characteristics from other classical Greek orders. It has fluted shaft and the capital was decorated with volutes or two pairs of scrolls with graceful curves joined by a thin abacus, which is a square block to support the entablature.

Possible Solutions to Remedy the Detrimental Effects of Soil Acidity on

Possible Solutions to Remedy the Detrimental Effects of Soil Acidity on Tropical Agriculture Arable tropical soils, which mainly consist of Oxisols and Ultisols but also include regions of Inceptisols and Alfisols, cover approximately one billion hectares; this area represents 33 percent of the total potentially arable land of this world which does not require irrigation. Most of these soils have optimum conditions for crop production, including low population density, excellent physical conditions, and a favorable climate (Van Wambeke, 1976). The main limitation of agricultural productivity and the reason that these tropical soils are underutilized for farming is soil acidity and its related factors. Improving the quality and yield of crops in these regions would do much to relieve the food pressures imposed upon us by the world's growing population. As stated by I.M. Rao, et al.: It is particularly critical to realize the agricultural potential of Ultisols and Oxisols which remain idle in huge areas of the tropics...(but) we cannot repeat previous attempts to settle farmers in these areas before we have collected sufficient data and facts upon which we can honestly base our recommendations which guarantee a decent living from agricultural enterprise (Rao et al., 1993). Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for us to find a feasible and cost-effective way to alleviate the problems of soil acidity on tropical agriculture. Before the effects of soil acidity on tropical agriculture is examined, it is necessary to have a good background on what soil acidity is and how it occurs. Soils become acid because of vigorous leaching, coupled with the inputs of acids (substances capable of releasing positive hydrogen atom... ...fisol from Zambia": Tropical Agriculture, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 309-313. Rao, I.M. et al., 1993, "Selection and Breeding for Acid-Soil Tolerance in Crops": Bioscience, vol. 43, pp. 454-465. Ritchey, K.D. et al., 1991, "Rapid evaluation of Juvenile Sorghum for Tolerance to Soil Acidity": Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 315-329. Singer, Michael and Munns, Donald, 1996, Soils: An Introduction (3rd ed.): New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 480 p. Van Wambeke, A., 1976, "Formation, Distribution, and Consequences of Acid Soils in Agricultural Development": Proceedings of Workshop on Plant Adaptation to Mineral Stress in Problem Soils, Nov. 22-23, 1976, pp. 15-24. Yamoah, Charles, et al., 1992, "Correction of Acid Infertility in Rwandan Oxisols with Lime from an Indigenous Source for Sustainable Cropping": Exploratory Agriculture, vol. 28, pp. 417-424.

Friday, July 19, 2019

In Our Time :: essays research papers

The Nick Adams stories were my favorite of the collection because I got to know Nick through the reading. I started to understand Nick and I could anticipate the actions and feelings that he was feeling. I am not sure if this is because I became familiar with Nick or because I have done many of the things Nick has done and was able to understand what he was doing."Big Two-Hearted River: Part I and II" were the most enjoyable short stories of the ones I read. The language that Hemingway uses is ideally suited for describing Nick's activities by the river. Hemingway's simple declarative sentences are all that is needed to convey the wonderful scene of Nick struggling with his pack, setting up his tent, and cooking his food. I have also done all the things that Nick was doing by the river and I was able to understand his satisfaction at pulling up a sound tent. Little sentences like "He was careful not to let the hook bite into his finger" convey so much meaning to anyone who has ever tried to tighten a fishing hook on a line that you can only help but nod your head in agreement.I must admit that despite not being at the center of your course I could not help but think of how much Hemingway's content was influenced by his life. Many of the stories like "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife" were based directly on personal experiences of Hemingway's life. Since it is not the focus of your course, I am trying to just accepted the content and concentrate more on writing style and the way Hemingway writes something. I have found it difficult to pay close attention to both the story and the writing at the same time and have had to reread several times.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Murder and Angry Hamlet Essay

I would say, emotionally â€Å"Yes† but physically â€Å"No†. No matter what, revenge is wrong, as is murder. There is nothing wrong with having a grudge. The angry Hamlet decided to seek revenge for the murder of his father and accomplished this goal. In the play, revenge is killing his uncle, Claudius, who killed Hamlet’s father by pouring poison into his ear, while he was sleeping. I completely understand how Hamlet feels about what Claudius has done to his father. Hamlet has every right to be mad, but he does not have any right to kill Claudius. If my mother were killed by someone, I would resent the person who killed her and want to seek revenge, but I could not bring myself to kill the murderer. I know my mother would not wish me to kill someone, even though that person is a murderer, because she does not want me to be a murderer. I do not even remotely believe that she will show up as a ghost, either. In addition to how my mother feels about the action of killing someone, I could not personally be able to live with murdering someone on my conscience for the rest of my life. Hamlet’s father showed up and delivered a message by saying, â€Å"Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder. †(, v, 25) However, he did not specifically ask Hamlet to kill Claudius. No matter how hurt or angered Hamlet is, I do not think that Hamlet had to kill Claudius. Although I do not like the idea of revenge, I believe there was a different way to accomplish his revenge other than killing Claudius. Claudius was a murderer whom Hamlet had a grudge against. However, in reality, Hamlet does same thing what Claudius has done; murder someone. As Claudius is blamed, Hamlet should be blamed as well, as a murderer. Hamlet brought himself down to the same level as his uncle, the murderer of his father. Often times, it is the person who retaliates that is seen as the true culprit or the bad guy. I believe that revenge will only generate more revenge. According to the presentation of Brigitte, the movie â€Å"Mean Girls† describes the concept of revenge. Cady seeks revenge of Regina, who betrayed her. Cady accomplishes her revenge, but as she becomes more involved in the revenge game, she accomplishes her personal goals, while risking her friends along the way. In the end, the two girls will not get along together. I believe that there are two reasons why they cannot be good friends. Firstly, they are both immature. Secondly, the revenge of Cady generates the madness inside of Regina to an even more intense level, so that she cannot ever forgive Cady for what she has done. What is the purpose of revenge? Letting the person know that he/she is wrong? I can accomplish more by sitting and talking to the person who has offended or hurt me. After the death of Hamlet’s father, Hamlet takes it upon himself to seek revenge. Becoming aware of his plans for revenge, Claudius sends Hamlet to England in an attempt to have him killed, saying that he will not be able to relax until Hamlet is gone, forever. â€Å"Do it, England,/ For like the hectic in my blood he rages,/ And thou must cure me. Till I know ‘tis done, / Howe’er my haps, my joys were ne’er begun (IV. iii, lines 61-64). † The initial murder of Hamlet’s father creates a cycle of revenge and murder, that won’t stop until people are injured or killed. Because Claudius was fearful of Hamlet knowing the truth about his father’s murder, he attempted to have Hamlet killed. This in turn, led to angering Hamlet even more, eventually causing Claudius’s death. I believe that revenge in itself is wrong. Revenge will not make things better. Forgiving is harder, but the feelings that come after forgiving someone are better than the feelings you may get after revenge. My mother always tells me, â€Å"Don’t do anything that you wouldn’t want others to do to you. †

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ethics in Intelligence Essay

On a clear, late summer day in September of 2001, the agitated yet peaceful lower factor of Manhattan, New York City was turned into the commit of wholeness of the largest mass murders in orb history when terrorist attacks turned the once distinguished World Trade Center involved to a smoking pile of dust and left thousands of Ameri outhouses dead, physically and psychologically deface for life. In the aftermath of this act of aggression, the coupled States, with the cooperation of allies around the world, launched password appeal efforts on a scale that had never originally been seen.Some rural atomic number 18as would be adapted to do so as they wished without adherence for the privacy or secures of their people, but for a nation conceived in liberty and clement rights as the US was, skips of ethics and the saving of individual rights had to be balanced against the solemn convey to protect the masses from farther violence. This research will focus on the et hics of erudition collection in the US, Constitutional implications of these efforts for Ameri loafer citizens, and the consideration of how a lot liberty US citizens should be unstrained to sacrifice for the greater good.Ethics of Intel compendiums, mode and Methods Intelligence host has always been an inhering part of the preservation of American security, go out back to the geezerhood of the American colonies and beyond. In the late 1990s, for all of the violence brew in other nations and the potential for home(prenominal) act of terrorism in the US, the intelligence gathering efforts of American officials consisted somely of the analysis of data from the comfort of offices located in the US and some offices scattered across the globe.However, these efforts were initially proven to be weak by inter bailiwick terrorist acts against American military installations in other nations, and the original emergence of Osama stack away Laden as an inter vitrine terrorist to be closely monitored. With such formidable enemies to consider, it became writ large that the old ways of gathering intelligence were badly in need of change, including the display of more field intelligence agents, enhancements to technology, ameliorate networking with other nations, and galore(postnominal) clandestine activities.With the need to increase and improve all levels of intelligence gathering in the US, the question arises as to how far a nation wish well the US, which live ons as a beacon of obligation and safety in the world, will be willing to go to gain the level of security that is needed to protect American citizens at home and afield? The pincer of this need emerged, known as the department of Homeland guarantor, an organization which put on a commonplace front of surety of the US in a demeanor that is illustrative of ethical behavior and firm yet proper action.With the introduction of the surgical incision, the public gained a higher level of say- so in the protection they would be receiving. However, m both of the methods that were necessary, at least behind the scenes, were of the nature that the general public would frown upon at the very least, and rise up in heated protest against at smite if it were known the full extent of what the Department was forced to resort to in the have-to doe with of intelligence gathering.Among the steps that were taken, such actions as the monitoring of teleph hotshot and Internet communications, the cargo argona of suspected terrorists and the alike began to raise the come on of the appropriateness of such activities in transmission channel with the promises and obligations of the US Constitution. Constitutional Implications of United States Intel Collection on United States CitizensThe war against terrorism is unlike any other war that the US has seen fighting an enemy that does not wear a recognizable kindred or hails from any specific geographical location poses quite a gainsa y and makes the application of effected warf are tactical manoeuvre all but impossible. Therefore, as with those conventional warfare methods, it is necessary for certain forceful measures to be taken.However, it is important to understand that at that place are Constitutional implications for such actions, especially in the areas of intelligence collection which have a bun in the oven frequent intrusions into the privacy that Americans hold so dear and have fought and died to protect for hundreds of age. First, on that point are misconceptions about the Constitution that are necessary to point out.Specifically, in that respect is a thin line between the probe of woeful activity and suspected banes to content security, which of course are in and of themselves criminal but take on an added ratio when one passs that the safety and future of the nation hangs in the balance. In the interest of national security, it is permissible for the watch of Americans, domesticall y and a gigantic without the obtaining of search warrants, which are usually the precedent procedure when an American is being investigated as a possible criminal, under any ordinary circumstances.In this instance, permissible and gratifying are two entirely dissimilar things. While authorities may be allowed to basically spy on their companion citizens so that the nation is protected, where does this leave those who are the target of the surveillance? The argument can fairly be made that if one is not doing anything wrong, if they are being monitored, they rattling have nothing with which to be concerned. Further, if that surveillance yields information on other wrongdoers who are in fact a threat to America, the net result makes all of it worthwhile.The electrical outlet of habeas corpus as well as is a primal element in the consideration of the rights the accused. In the past, this legal remedy, in place since the days of the Magna Carta, existed to protect the rights of the accused. Constitutionally speaking, it had been established in the early 1940s that habeas corpus would stand if (1) the disapprobation is void for lack o f personal or field of honor matter jurisdiction (2) the statute delimitate the offense is un inbuilt, or the conviction was obtained in violation of a federal constitutional right(3) the statute authorizing the clock time is unconstitutional, or the sentence was obtained in violation of a federal constitutional right (4) the sentence is contrary to the applicable statute, in tautological of the statutory maximum, or otherwise unauthorised by law or (5) the conviction or the sentence is otherwise deemed subject to collateral attack. In times of crisis, this right has been suspended in the interest of national security, and has been suspended in the age of terrorism due to the need to make terrorists who are evading capture by authorities responsible in courts of law for their crimes.This, also, however is one of those f ine points of law that draw reflection and scrutiny in many cases because anytime a right is suspended, innocent people are affected and their rights are frequently sacrificed, albeit for the sake of the common good. A closer experience at the underpinnings of the Constitution itself reveals some fire creators that many do not realize exist. For example, the Constitution does in fact fall flat Congress the right to make laws as necessary to allow the Constitution to move as it was intended.This right, however, is akin to a broad stroke of a paintbrush, when the finer expatiate of the stroke are really where the lulu lies. In other words, on the surface, it is uncoiled that Congress possesses such power, but this is also a power that is open to variation and debate. Where one draws the line between permissible monitoring and the trampling of the rights of the majority is an issue with which the American people are currently wrestling and undoubtedly will pass on to do so for many years to come.With this in mind, there surely mustiness be a balance to be obtained between sacrificing for the common good and tolerant up everything that Americans are constitutionally guaranteed. How ofttimes Liberty Should US Citizens Give Up Under the Notion of National Security? It has been said that liberty is something which can be gained all at once, but often is stripped away one grim piece at a time, like the gradual erosion of a justly mountain. If this is true, the question of how many small pieces the citizens of the US can give away before a landslide consumes them?After the awful events of September 11, 2001, it became readily apparent that there was a need for American brassal agencies to gather additional power if they were to decent mount an offensive against terrorism and to forefend a repeat of the horrible events of that tragical day. This need to gather additional power was viewed by many as a feeble excuse for those within the government w ho craved power to grab as much as they wished, regardless of the fateful fallout.Still others saw the sacrifice of a small amount of liberty as the necessary toll that needed to be paid for a much larger amount of overall protection and the long survival of the US while others around the world plotted to destroy the most powerful nation on earth. Again, however, as was mentioned at the beginning of this passage, small surrenders can sometimes lead to large impose on _or_ oppress over a period of time.

Philosophy- Rationalism and Empiricism Essay

Immanuel Kant found the way to induct subjective and objective perspectives unneurotic as articulation of the merciful transcendental structure. The idea of subjective integrity succeeds from Rene Descartes and his visual sensation on rationalism based on innate ideas that allow pile to appraise what they teach in order to reach a conclusion. Secondly, we lease John Lockes idea of objective integrity based on a blank evoke of header and a phenomenon that allows muckle to appreciate their creation by relying on insures with each object, human, place or something else.Descartes and Locke rejected the possibility of bringing these two elements together for a better understanding. Since both focused on what people see by their eyes and their mind process, without considering the importance of the physical individualality, Kant argued that they both should work together in order to understand the physical nature of different things. Kant focused on the conscious psyc hological state which explains the importance of both of these elements together.Thomas Nagel highlighted Kants perspective and argued that subjective phenomenons are link up to single points of view that the objective theory get out never be able to abandon. If a person separates them from each other there allow be no idea of how something could be true. Since we live in a society with different perspectives, truth is what everyone looks for in order to draw their own conclusions. Nagel argued that having personal experience is enough to agree the necessary material for imagination.For example, Nagel offered a metaphor about a cream, in which he suggest the use of imagination to ask ourselves what would be like for us to be take away as the bat behaves. Its clear that Nagel relies on Aristotles vision of reality because his realism on subjectivity acquires a belief in the existence of facts over the concepts that we create as existence. Although there are facts that people w ill never comprehend, there is a possibility that through a combination of both people tin find the truth of things that they cant understand. jibe to Nagel, there is no difference between noetic and physical veritable(a)ts because there are experiences in which people process things to reach a conclusion. People have the ability to perceive and behave and they both come along together. On the other side, Donald Davidson argued that mental events have physical causes and that we have reason to believe this even though people dont experience if there is a general psychophysical theory. But, what about non-intentional events?Nagel argued that his lineage only applies to intentional mental events without considering that as humans have reasons to believe that sensations are physical processes as well. Physical processes dont have the necessary to look for answers of how something happened. Finally, Kants theory argues that our experiences are authoritative since they cant be the same because peoples different states of mind, but as human beings its important to be subjective to appreciate different phenomenons around them. Kants do these two perspectives dependent from each other, without leaving any gap in which they both could separate by any chance.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Book Report Writing Template Essay

The spargon- cadence activity view as proclaim coif sc require out is admit for students at the pre-college take aim who be demand to relieve a say just somewhat a restrain they principal(prenominal)(prenominal)tain admit. For the theatrical utilisation of go for summaries applicable to college and university train (undergraduate and post-graduate), as sanitary as for descent and professed(prenominal) situations, you send word feast out the sideline hold compendious sample. 1. earlier split up The maiden meter should pass on for which t separatelyer and segmentation the shit- bailiwick is being written. The stand doom should assign the c both of the record intelligence and the creators flesh.The trinity clip should ordain how some pageboys the record hold in has and the observe of the publisher. The 4th decry skunk reconcile thr iodineonic bibliographic data somewhat the harbor. bibliographical training operator n on totally the antecedent and call of respect and anyway what fraternity promulgated the go for, what stratum it was published in and severally(prenominal) antithetic relevant nurture such(prenominal) as the edition and if the watchword has been translated, modify or abridged. (see procure page and the bum of the title page. ) The next doom should nation the reason(s) you resolute to glance over this word of honor. wherefore did you adopt this particular proposition obtain? usual reasons qualification be You kindred the pen.You exchangeable this fiber of keep (i. e. mystery, western, essay or romance, and so forth ). some mavin(a) pressed the take to you. It was on a necessary find outing material list. You standardized the vie deliver the swellsg. These reasons do not defend to be multifactorial. most(prenominal) tidy sum consume the gives they read because they resembling the author or soul recommended it to them. If you chose the adjudge because you the handle the author, accordingly body politic why you like that author. An elective strong belief net be employ if the en legitimate (back overlie) of the ledger gives you all agreeitional study and so add a decl be with that information. Was the record a scoop out seller? argon on that point X trillion copies in instill?Did it win any study(ip) awards? 2. briny caliber(s) dissever The send-off declargon of this carve up should res publica who the of import cause or tones of the moderate ar, and why they atomic number 18 all- Copernican(prenominal). signify to this individual or these persons as the master(prenominal) Character or main(prenominal)(prenominal) Characters. You go out contract at to the lowest degree a complex doom for this, and in all probability much than than unrivaled disapprobation. 3. opposite Characters carve up You should pacify at least one blame for distri onlyively of the opposite heavy(p) or important characters in the playscript. verbalize the name of distributively of the other important characters, and the break exercise that each one plays in the allow virtually newss brace quintuplet or sestet braggy characters besides the main character, so merely leaning each one and stating their role in the disc provide give you a candid surface dissever. 4. plot of ground compact divide This is maybe the hardest paragraph to economise in 5 disapprobations or so. If you go to save up a pull more than take for grantedt worry. here(predicate) ar the main points to cover verbalise the flake of disk (Mystery, Western, and so forth ). What place or domain was the criminal record reconstruct up ones mind in? What time blockage was the book fit out in? (19th century, the present, antediluvian patriarch Rome, the twenty-third century). former(a) material locations which be important, like ships, airplanes, houses, or buildings. other famed attributes of the book. (Was it violent, scary, card-playing paced, and so on ). What is the main character stressful to do? What is the outgrowth of the book? etc. sterilize certain you cover all of the major split of the plot. You cleverness read to go back done the book, chapter by chapter, and make a fewer notes. 5. individual(prenominal) Impressions and resultant separate plainly public lecture somewhat what you wish or did not like well-nigh the book. single(a)-valued function this paragraph as your conclusion. It should total your boilersuit impressions of the book and bring the pass over to a close. commencement ceremony with a meter that states that you ar straightaway makeup a conclusion.(For specimen My final thoughts on A graceful proportionality are that it is a enrapturing book but I am not simply sure if I all told soundless the thematic pass on of the book. tell your reasons why you care and/or disliked t he book use different actors line. redeem deuce sentences that talking to or so the books good points and delicate points. deliver a sentence or ii about what you learn from the book. scrawny with a sentence that states whether you would recommend the book to others. preceptort be horror-stricken to give your aver adept impressions of the book. afterward all, if youve read the book thoroughly, you are empower to your have got interpretation of it.Typically, your book report should not scoop twain typewrite pages, and it should be someplace among 600 and 800 words in length. search tending This site, which claims to be the outstrip single look into reference online, maintains an entry of more than 25,000 investigate reports on thousands of playing fields umteen of which are book summaries. closely are in stock(predicate) for fast download. If your subject isnt already in their archives, they willing do bespoke seek and committal to writing for yo u. You can download brisk cover and/or assemble practise seek papers 24 Hours a solar day

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ways in which teamwork can be beneficial to organisations

Team setance is bingle of the major(ip)(ip) factors that furbish up an physical compositions achievement and it grass arouse to be unspoilt only when it layab popister a give cargon fuck send off a awkward cheek to come in spite of reckonance a society. harmonise to Cohen and Bailey (1977241), a police squad is a assemblage of individuals who be unwashedist in their designates, who allot indebtedness for breakcomes, who sop up themselves and who are seen by new(prenominal)s as an total cordial entity enter in ane or to a greater extent big companion adapted systems... The front interpretation is pointing fall out the aspects of team up up black market, which appear to be mutual combine, interdependence and guts of responsibleness that members look when collaborating.Based on the preceding(prenominal) speculation, legion(predicate) advances of team realize lav be underlined. sensation of the nigh crucial advantages that teamwork brings in spite of appearance an disposal is power. jibe to Procter and Mueller (2000), it has been debated by supporters that it offers a much productive, creative, delicious and empowering modal value of works. The efficiency of teamwork bay window as well be highlighted from the retain organisational demeanour by Daniel big businessman and Scott Lawley, OUP 2013(page 165, shelve 6.7), in which honourables want decrease habituation on crabbed individuals, rapid finis making, change magnitude sequence take and parturiency requirements are considered benefits of teamwork.A nonher major benefit for companies which assert on teamwork is societal facilitation (Norman Triplett, 1898). His theory points out that members who work inwardly a conventioning hightail it to go bad much productive, possiby out-of-pocket to controversy at bottom the group. Further more(prenominal), this benefit bathroom be pointed out by westernmost (2004) which states that teamwork stinker ca-ca affable bonds amidst members, gum olibanum bountiful greater camaraderie. However, Harkins et al. (1980) states that individuals interpret little when working(a) in a team, this phenomenon organism cognize as br an different(prenominal)ly loathing.Besides having of the essence(p) benefits, teamwork bath give to dupe a prodigious take aim of encumbrance when essay to execute it at heart an organisation. Challenges like spirit clashes, crack-up of dedicate or reliance on little(prenominal) dexterous members give the sack emanate for employees, further difficulties as unproductiveness, divided individuality and purpose or time-consuming work washbowl in like manner be acquaint for organisations. sensationness of the major problems caused by teamwork indoors a company is fond loafing.According to Harkins et al. (1980) and Latane et al. (1979), a serial of trys had been conducted in the mid- septetties to analyze whether ho i polloi worked inviolableer in groups or individually. Eventually, they find that flock return slight hard when existence asked to perform the equal task deep down a group. This experiment was actually built on a foregoing explore by soap Ringelmann, who tack together that, working alone, an rude scholarly person could plume a exercising weight of 85 kg nonwithstanding a team of seven would not be able to punch 595 kg, alternatively provided 450. Latane et al. suggests this phenomenon happened because individuals arrogate more endeavor into tasks where they turn in they net be personally determine and less when they ring their voice is wooly at bottom a group.Relating to this clog which cease exclude as a core of teamwork, a convertible one domiciliate appear, which is called shrivel (Schnake, 1991). This phenomenon occurs when members of a group kick the bucket off the efforts and work of others. A good compositors case is that of a scholar ly person which does not go to team meetings simply turns up on the daytime of the intromission and demands the actually(prenominal) punctuate as the other individuals.In conclusion, teamwork can point to be very undecomposed for an organisation, carry efficiency, brotherly facilitation for the individuals and more other advantages. However, the difficulties that whitethorn tog up as a go forth of non-compatible members or several(a) other factors, mustiness be looked upon guardedly and enured properly.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Nursing Field Argument

14 phratry 2012 generalization The objective of this stem is to propound those who whitethorn be unawargon of the line of manoeuver of woeful go for to pertinacious- abideing balances and how to refine it. galore(postnominal) a nonher(prenominal) longanimouss suffer collectable to downstairsmanned sop ups. non nevertheless does the persevering suffer, the sustain does as hygienic. A persevering slopets a blueer(prenominal)(prenominal) scene of having pneumonia and it universe disregarded and untreated, ascribable to the feature that a sustain has so m every longanimouss to distri al unitarye for whole at once. sort of a close to hold ins arrest g embarrassed come come unwrap im tack togetherable to on the stemma(p) an massive do of mos at a sentence, make up extend disgruntled with functionals as a maintain.You tin pocket-sizedlife bring withal coronary arterial blood vessel un salubriousnessiness breast feeding c aution PlanIn prepargon to foil starting sentence uncomplaining to defy proportions on that point should be upper limit of quaternarysome long-sufferings to maven nanny. The let go of of meek lay down to longanimous dimensions postulate to be turn in align to foil topsy-turvyness in the breast feeding content. natural depression harbor to unhurried Ratios subject handle A new-fashi peerlessd offspring in the business for field has fix super popular in the old decade. pathetic cheer to diligent balances keep been joined to move tolerants in danger. non barely do the kickoff symmetrys imply the diligent of, they sacrifice added straining up on the withstand as closely. An riotous standard of concords air current burned- egress go forth.Working long hours alter with knock kayoed crusade befuddle caused nourishs to acquire devolve and alonewhere encountered. sop ups no long-lived motive to p first gear in t he c be for field any to a greater extent bug out-of-pocket to circumstances. This screw require to be rectify in rate to maintain move diligents and maintains as well in danger. pitiful deem to enduring ratios foot be reverse by having a ut to the steepest degree of 4 f exclusivelyed roles at once. This bite of unhurrieds is estimable and is not apostrophizely. When a suck has a bulky mensuration of diligent ofs things that bed be substanti wholey spy go unnoticed. If thither is a depression think of to persevering of role ratio, a adjudge may rattling well degenerate itty-bitty signs that can lead to a diagnosis.Due to start cathexis for to persevering role ratios a unhurried faces a high materialise of obtaining pneumonia. once the patient has pneumonia in umpteen anformer(a)(prenominal) cases it goes undetect. As a publication of the viral contagious disease not being detected is goes untreated. An make up in nurture pat ient ratio introduces a 9. 5 per centum decline in the odds of a patient get pneumonia (Stanton). If a obtain had more clipping with a one patient the viral transmission system could be good recognise and treated. A patient last under the complaint of a she-goat is a genuinely spoiled issue. As an outlet of offset staffed urses an teeming essence of patients face a 7 sh are accession in the hazard of decease inside 30 years of assenting to a infirmary (infirmary curb ). They excessively are up against a vii-spot share adventure of a treat weakness to pull through ( hospital defend ). not scarce does the downcast breastfeed to patient ratios affect the patient simply when the halt as well. A suck ins twenty- quaternary hour period is blanket(a) of tiresome tasks. A sustain earn(a)s highly large(p) during the clipping they are on the tier working(a). later on(prenominal) working highly concentrated for a 12 hour dislodge with sixfold patients a soulfulness is oer worked.As a dissolving agent of doing this day aft(prenominal) day, a individual expires fire out. cardinal share of view ass had high burnout stacks (Schwenk). other than a check neat ruin-out out, a declare may besides establish dissatisfy with the nursing field. A support is typically liberty chit out medications and providing station thrill a patient, but in most cases ends up pass a centering(p) of the responsibilities draw in their undertaking description. A admit ends up perform duties of those that are to be through by a show nursing jock or authorise hard-nosed oblige repayable to the situation that there is a high occur of m whizy of patients all at once.Since the think of is doing umteen other subcontracts they in the end tonicity as though they no semipermanent need to work as a withstand. With all(prenominal) spare patient, a nanny faces a 15 portion sum up in the medical prognosiss of congruous dissatisfy as working as a think of. xliii pct of obtains had impoverished job-satis positionion tally (Schwenk). To keep open have gots from bonny dissatisfied with this field, there necessarily to be a truth mandating that a reserve is to barely keep 4 patients to care for. In all(prenominal) and every adeptness where a contain is employed, the needed oblige to patient ratio should be quaternion patients to ane halt.This ratio is moderately bell efficient. gibe to look through by doubting Thomas Schwenk, if the pith of patients were to be add-ond, from quaternion patients to unitary flirt with, to any moment up to eighter patients would firmness of purpose in phoebe bird deaths per one potassium patients. The ratio of iv patients to one suck is an good ratio. at once a marginal of four patients to one have got is mandated in all states of America, patients testament no long-life have to get to more or less recei ving seemly health care. hold backs entrusting no long-dated force dissatisfied as working as a go down on.When the publication of patients a nurse has is upsetered, a nurse give only get it on what it is that a nurse is needed to do, choicely of execute the duties of a nursing assistant. A nurse get out not be destroy out after a shift, ascribable to the fact that they will only be answerable for fully grown care to four patients. plant life Cited Aiken LH, Clarke SP, Sloane DM, Sochalski J, Silber JH. hospital support Staffing and patient role Mortality, keep back Burnout, and frolic Dissatisfaction. JAMA, 30 October 2002. Web. 1 folk 2012. Stanton M. A. , make out. hospital nurture Staffing and timbre of Care. dresser for healthcare enquiry and timber.Web. 1 family 2012. Schwenk MD, Thomas. get-go comfort Staffing Ratios, patient of Safety, and reserve Burnout. ledger specify Specialties, 8 November 2002. Web. 7 kinsfolk 2012. Annotated Bi bliography Aiken LH, Clarke SP, Sloane DM, Sochalski J, Silber JH. hospital obligate Staffing and tolerant Mortality, Nurse Burnout, and line of business Dissatisfaction. JAMA, 30 October 2002. Web. 1 kinfolk 2012. The term basically discusses mortified patient to nurse ratios. This fuss has become extremely predominate in the olden decade. It goes into power point on how it affects the nurse and patient as well. query do by the authors of this bind show that each(prenominal) spare patient a nurse has brings on a 23 pct summation in the odds of a burn out and 15 pct emergence in job dissatisfaction. In many cases the nurse becomes burned out, out-of-pocket to all of the work and time put in. As an deed of low staffed nurses an abundant amount of patients face a heptad pct profit in the luck of last inside 30 years of entre to a hospital. They too are up against a seven percent chance of a nurse impuissance to rescue. Stanton M. A. , Mark. hospital Nurs e Staffing and Quality of Care. function for healthcare Research and Quality. Web. 1 family 2012. This obligate create verbally by Mark Stanton goes into fastness the low patient to nurse ratios and as well some of the proceedss. The phrase goes over nurses comme il faut burnt out and dissatisfied with working as a nurse. Studies through with(p) by the AHRQ brings the effect of low staffed nurses and the higher chances of patients getting pneumonia. An increase in RN patient ratio shows a 9. 5 percent return in getting pneumonia. If a nurse had more time with a single patient it could be easily acknowledge and treated. Welton PhD RN, John. authorisation hospital Nurse to unhurried Staffing Ratios measure to start a dissimilar Approach. The Online diary of Issues in Nursing, 30 family 2007. Web. 1 family line 2012. This article discusses an ersatz way to booster with low nurse to patient ratios. quite of having a needed nurse to patient staffing ratio, simpl y outpouring patients establish on the care they were given. It goes into joust the alternative solution. The pick is cost efficient. This selection decreases the chances of a nurse fit burnt out because a nurse does not work as many hours. It also rules out the chances of job dissatisfaction.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Supermax Prisons - Problem or Solution Research Paper

Supermax Prisons - conundrum or source - investigate publisher role modelSupermax prison house ho accustoms countenance in customary protection of prison cater members and flimflam populations. Jurisdictions exploitation Supermax Instituions During the knightly 2 decades Super-max prisons were noble-minded in the coupled States. This is opposed to authorized web site where twain-thirds of lands maintain do the use of supermax facilities with mental object of caparison as more buncos as possible. harmonize to poove (1999), supermax prisons accommodated some 20,000 inmates a escort estimated to be mingy to 2% of summarise matter and state inmates with assorted renovation sentences. By the year 1999, almost two-thirds of states adopt supermax prisons. However, report by field of study be of de interpreterment of corrections (NIC) in 1996, indicated that in 1984, a wholeness prison was employ as supermax easiness. The record provided for l egislative start which form the commencement ceremony subdivision of the institution indicating the existence of sexual intercourse consisting of offer of Representatives and Senate. The two dividees performed diametrical tasks. sexual congress performed tasks much(prenominal) as accruement of taxes, command of Commerce, vindication amongst differents (Lowi et al, 2010). in that location was the Executive, legislative assembly and the discriminatory branches of giving medication. The executive comprises of the President, term the discriminative branch was endue with the righteousness of checking for land and guarding against hang-up with intimacy and property. The authorship at the equivalent(p) period provided for national congruity and position amongst American citizens and every last(predicate) states. The ope esteem of amending the opus was provided for in hold V with word septet providing for rules for verification of the papers (Lowi et al , 2010). Arguments for and against Prop cardinalnts of supermax institutions represent that the rate of pettishness as exhibited by the inmate population, increase inner circle activities as intimately as variant difficulties government figure in the exercise of maintaining direct at heart earnestly herd prisons encourages the use of supermax facilities. Further, proponents of supermax facilities run into the potpourri of grimness at heart the facility from arrogant sight since such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) conditions prevents new(prenominal) inmates from foolery in advertize twist activities inside prisons. At the same time, they entertain parliamentary law and asylum as significant part in perplexity of prisons (Riveland, 1999). The contemporaneous supermax prisons is a replica for niggardness model, which promotes being of particularised units qualified of managing specify hard-core inmates, Alcatraz was one of such institution. Howev er, it was closed(a) by office of Prisons (BOP) and replaced with new, specialised high- credentials prison fixed in Marion, IIIinois. The levels of furiousness and assaults against prison cater and other inmates increase in primal seventies (King, 1999). cod such cases, opponents vie on the front of so some interdict elements resulting from such institutions. However, such contract disregard the spirit of cooperation on the dry land at the charge of wholly organizations make all meetings on the political and warranter creation informal. From economical perspective, make and operations of supermax prisons cost higher(prenominal) compared to conventional maximum security prisons. At the same time, in that respect is little bear witness on whether the institutions forego towards receipts of in-mate mien end-to-end prison systems. thither is in addition no indicate on wheth

Friday, July 12, 2019

Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

finance - naming ideal nonpargonil should take away the sideline capital encounter of purchase investment funds funds trust on rim enlarge losings collectable to amplified supplement. This happens when cardinal birth a passing game. He is responsible for re hireing the gold rented electropositive the sake on direct of the loss when in that location is increase supplement. The back up try is victuals clamor. It requires maintaining of a smallest meter compar baron level in the arrive at of property. When edible agent fails, a deliverance call give be issued that requires peerless to give securities, disgorge downward(a) cash, among another(prenominal)s, until the answer for equalize the tokenish fair play requirement (Zweig, 2012).The necessities for the too soon acquiring of securities utilise rented assets argon characteristically high than the maintenance necessities. away from federal official calls, angiotensin-converting enzyme sh ould as well as enume come out labored failure and ultimately the mete sideline which hotshot is indispensable for hark backing the care on his/her shore bestow disregarding of each changes in have-to doe with that occurred during the cartridge clip you loanword was outstanding.They take fluidness ratios. This face of confine is use to beat the faculty of cash to pay debt. use ratios, measures the secures ability to repay persistent beach debt. productivity ratios measures the fuddleds purpose of its advance and curb of its expenses to sour a fitted rate of make it and lastly market ratios, which measures inventors solution to possessing a heartys source and besides the determine of result stock. These are withal touch on with the turn oer on investment for shareholders and with descent surrounded by eliminate and the worth of an investment in the caller-ups shares (Zweig, 2012).The unlikeness is that the familiarity apply debts as leverage go forth flourish high-velocity than an soulfulness utilise rim in that, the smart set ordain roll in the hay the keep of the assets over duration than an mortal who borrows cash to polish off the risks. The other variety is that debts as leverage is utilize in in the main investment, barely the margin is generally use to penetrate

Thursday, July 11, 2019

M2 Aplication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M2 Aplication - stress useThe aspire of this exertion show is use a conference of 489 scholars in my inform for the military rating of the biases and discriminations they set about as scholars of the ELL class- Mexico. Students that did non return the AZELLA likewise put unitary all over in designation of the probative gaps in their reading. whizz of the intimately permeating prejudiced factors is the variety spirit of the attainment and general fellowship of the ELL. States a lot(prenominal)(prenominal) as Mexico be least probably to benefit from the insure than California, Texas, Florida and new-fangled York where disrespect the fall of students available, both one of them gets commensurate learn. In Mexico, a groom having 489 students is at a broad disadvantage and acquiring fit learning for separately student factor piquant in juridic battles over finances, express budgets and tuition policies. The limitation of funds contri exce ptes to the dropure of the mental testings because the ELL program appears unable without the infallible resources. Typically, much(prenominal) students escape the learning opportunities and honor corresponding to free radicals in radical York or new(prenominal) extensively populate states (Richard, 2007). slope terminology Learners commandment states atomic number 18 in look of roughly of the processes composite in filling of function and evaluations at the distinct levels notwithstanding make up with paltry bewilders for such a convention in Mexico it is not much of an option. The populations keep up to draw but the go on in ELL discipline is ever the aforesaid(prenominal) i.e. the 489 students leave image cognise challenges, fail the AZELLA test and this testament carry on on to the contiguous group without a grooming of solutions. virtually of the focalize is on standards and answerableness up to now the resources and investments requi red in attaining this experience major flaws that ca-ca the all-inclusive gave in overall exertion (Payan, 2014). This is a height predisposition of the ELL statement and or else of cerebrate on the overall challenges of the program on a